
在科技業有一個迷思,幾乎成了一種疾病,那就是成功的定義在於量大,你的點擊率有多少,你有多少個經常使用者,你賣了多少個產品?科技業裡似乎每個人都想看到大的數字,但賈伯斯從沒有被那所動搖,他專注在做出最好的。There’s this thing in technology, almost a disease, where the definition of success is making the most. How many clicks did you get, how many active users do you have, how many units did you sell? Everybody in technology seems to want big numbers. Steve never got carried away with that. He focused on making the best.

There’s this thing in technology, almost a disease, where the definition of success is making the most. How many clicks did you get, how many active users do you have, how many units did you sell? Everybody in technology seems to want big numbers. Steve never got carried away with that. He focused on making the best.
– Tim Cook, Apple CEO

