把貧窮視為以統計數字來衡量的經濟狀況,未免太過簡化、誤導他人,也是錯誤的;貧窮是一個心理狀態,也是視野寬廣與否的問題。To view poverty simply as an economic condition, to be measured by statistics, is simplistic, misleading and false; poverty is a state of mind, a matter of horizons.
To view poverty simply as an economic condition, to be measured by statistics, is simplistic, misleading and false; poverty is a state of mind, a matter of horizons. — Patrick J. Buchanan, Political Commentator 把貧窮視為以統計數字來衡量的經濟狀況,未免太過簡化、誤導他人,也是錯誤的;貧窮是一個心理狀態,也是視野寬廣與否的問題。