“My passion has been to build an enduring company where people were motivated to make great products. Everything else is secondary. Sure, it was great to make a profit, because that was what allowed you to make great products. But the products, not the profits, were the motivation. It’s a subtle difference, but it ends up meaning everything. The people you hire, who gets promoted, what you discuss in meetings.”
– Steve Jobs, Entrepreneur
– 史蒂夫‧賈伯斯
史蒂夫‧賈伯斯 (1955-2011) 是蘋果公司創辦人、前主席及執行長,他也是華特迪士尼公司 (Walt Disney) 的前董事及最大股東。賈伯斯在商界、創新及產品設計上被譽為有遠見的先驅及天才,蘋果公司的產品革命性地改變現代科技。