
「快速決定不會比長時間躊躇造成更多的錯誤,而且果決會有『讓事情進行』的效果並且帶來信心。」“The percentage of mistakes in quick decisions is no greater than in long-drawn-out vacillation, and the effect of decisiveness itself ‘makes things go’ and creates confidence.”

“The percentage of mistakes in quick decisions is no greater than in long-drawn-out vacillation, and the effect of decisiveness itself ‘makes things go’ and creates confidence.” – Anne O’Hare McCormick, Journalist 「快速決定不會比長時間躊躇造成更多的錯誤,而且果決會有『讓事情進行』的效果並且帶來信心。」– 安妮‧歐黑爾‧麥克米克 (記者) •long-drawn-out (adj.) 拖長的,冗長的。例:The public hearing was a long-drawn-out process. (此公聽會是個冗長緩慢的過程。) vacillation (n.) 猶豫不決,躊躇;vacillate (v.) 例:She vacillated between different approaches to discipline her students. (她對如何懲罰她的學生猶豫不決。) •安妮‧歐黑爾‧麥克米克 (1880-1954) 出生英國,是《紐約時報》知名外交記者,在二次大戰期間採訪過史達林、希特勒、墨索里尼、邱吉爾、小羅斯福總統等領袖,曾獲得「普立茲新聞獎」,她也是《紐約時報》第一位女性編輯董事。

