
堅決的前修道士已花50年建造這座DIY教堂 One Determined Ex-Monk Has Spent 50 Years Building This DIY Cathedral

It is, at its simplest, an ex-monk’s act of faith. 簡單來說,這是一名前修道士的信仰作為。 After eight years in a Trappist order -- and just prior to taking his vows -- Don Justo Gallego Martinez contracted tuberculosis and had to leave to avoid contaminating other monks. Devastated by his dismissal, Don Justo decided to make an offering to God: a giant, self-built cathedral. 唐.胡斯托.加列戈.馬丁尼茲在進入特拉普修會8年後,而且就在他的發願禮前,罹患肺結核,為避免傳染給其他修士,他必須離開修會。對開除感到痛心疾首的唐.胡斯托決定獻祭給上帝︰一座巨大、自己建造的教堂。 The determined man laid the foundation stone in 1963, on land inherited from his parents in Mejorada del Campo, just outside Madrid. Working with no construction permit, no financing, and no formal plan, Don Justo has since spent 10 hours per day building his cathedral out of recycled and donated materials. 這位堅定的男子1963年在一塊繼承自雙親的土地上打下地基,這塊地就在馬德里外的梅霍拉達德爾坎波。自此,唐.胡斯托在未獲建照、沒有金援與正式計畫下,每天耗費10小時,以回收與捐贈材料建造他的教堂。 Petrol drums, paint buckets, scrap metal, and bricks salvaged from a nearby brick factory are all pasted together with thick layers of concrete to form the walls and spires. 汽油桶、油漆桶、廢五金以及搶救自附近一家磚廠的磚塊,全都以水泥薄層糊在一起,而成為牆面與尖頂。 There is no blueprint for the building -- the design is influenced by St. Peter’s basilica but has changed over the years according to Don Justo’s shifting inspirations. 這座建物沒有藍圖,設計風格受聖伯多祿大教堂影響,但幾年來依據唐.胡斯托流轉的靈感而幾經改變。 The cathedral now stands 40 meters tall and is about 10 to 15 years away from completion -- a problem, considering its chief builder is 88. The fate of the building post-Don Justo is up in the air. As an unapproved construction it could well be razed, eliminating the life’s work of a persistent man. 教堂現在矗立40公尺高,還要10到15年完工——考慮到主要建造者已高齡88,這是一道難題。這棟建物在唐.胡斯托身後的命運懸而未決。違章建築很可能被夷為平地,而摧毀一名堅持不懈的男子的畢生心血。 新聞辭典 dismissal︰名詞,打發走、開除、解職。例句︰His dismissal was very unexpected as he always worked hard.(他的解雇出乎意料,因為他向來工作努力。) salvage︰動詞,搶救、打撈、利用(廢物)。例句︰The doctor tried to salvage his leg.(醫師設法救治他的腿。) up in the air︰(計畫、問題等)懸擱中、未決定。例句︰Her study abroad plan is up in the air.(她出國深造的計畫未定。)

