「勇於接受巨大挑戰及贏得光榮勝利,即便遇到失敗,也比人生沒有享樂或受苦的那些可憐靈魂好許多,因為他們生活在灰色的暮光裡,那裡即沒有勝利也沒有戰敗。」“Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in a gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat.”
“Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in a gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat.”
– Theodore Roosevelt, 26th U.S. President
「勇於接受巨大挑戰及贏得光榮勝利,即便遇到失敗,也比人生沒有享樂或受苦的那些可憐靈魂好許多,因為他們生活在灰色的暮光裡,那裡即沒有勝利也沒有戰敗。」– 西奧多‧羅斯福 (美國第 26 任總統)
•dare (v.) 敢於。例:Only a few reporters dared to cover the story. (只有少數的記者敢報導此消息。) mighty (adj.) 巨大的,強大的。例:a mighty army (一支強大的軍隊)。checker (v.) 多元,變化。例:Sorrow and joy have checkered her life. (憂傷與快樂參雜於她的人生。) rank (v.) 排列,並列。例:There are several pairs of shoes ranked neatly on the shelf. (有幾雙鞋子整齊的排放在架上。) twilight (n.) 昏暗,暮光。例:The candle glowed in the twilight. (爉燭在暮光中發光。)
•西奧多‧羅斯福 (1858-1919) 人稱「老羅斯福」,是著名的自然學家、作家、軍人、獵人、及探險家。威廉‧麥金利總統被暗殺後,42 歲的副總統西奧多‧羅斯福繼任,成為美國史上最年輕的總統。任內他促成巴拿馬運河之開通,調停日俄戰爭因而獲得諾貝爾和平獎,被學者普遍認為是美國最偉大 的總統之一。
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