
「強烈的熱情,加上務實及堅持做後盾,是成功者最常見的特質。」 “Flaming enthusiasm, backed up by horse sense and persistence, is the quality that most frequently makes for success.”

“Flaming enthusiasm, backed up by horse sense and persistence, is the quality that most frequently makes for success.” – Dale Carnegie, Motivational Expert 「強烈的熱情,加上務實及堅持做後盾,是成功者最常見的特質。」– 戴爾‧卡內基 (勵志專家) •flaming (adj.) 強烈的,熱烈的;flame (n.) 火焰。back up 支持,支撐。horse sense 常識,務實的思考。例:David is no scholar but he has a lot of horse sense. (大衛不是學者,但他有很務實的思維。) •戴爾‧卡內基 (1888-1955) 是美國勵志作家及演說家,創立了一系列的行銷、演講、企業訓練、人際關係、及勵志成長等訓練課程。他是暢銷書《卡內基溝通與人際關係 – 如何贏取友誼與影響他人》的作者。

