
「你若將選擇侷限在看來可能或合理的事,你便是和真正想要的東西脫節,結果就只剩下妥協的份。」“If you limit your choices only to what seems possible or reasonable, you disconnect yourself from what you truly want and all that is left is compromise.”

“If you limit your choices only to what seems possible or reasonable, you disconnect yourself from what you truly want and all that is left is compromise.”
– Robert Fritz, Business Consultant

「你若將選擇侷限在看來可能或合理的事,你便是和真正想要的東西脫節,結果就只剩下妥協的份。」– 羅勃.費滋 (企業顧問)
compromise (n.) 妥協,合解。例:a compromise between the ruling party and the opposition (執政黨與反對黨的妥協)。
羅勃.費滋 (1943- ) 是美國作家、企業顧問,客戶包括許多「財富500大企業」,他因發展「結構動力學論」而知名,該理論探討結構關係如何影響個人及組織行為,他著有《阻力最小之路:用創造力尋找生命出口》及《從零到無限:引爆生命行動力》。

