
海軍砸7100萬美元修潛艦…然後報廢 Navy sunk $71M on submarine fix…then abandoned it

The Navy spent about $71 million on cleanup, planning and initial repairs on the fire-damaged USS Miami before scuttling plans to restore the nuclear-powered submarine. 美國海軍在失火受損的「邁阿密號」潛艦上花了約7100萬美元用於清理、規劃和初步修復,然後又放棄修復這艘核動力潛艦。 The Navy intended to repair the attack submarine, damaged last year, at Portsmouth Naval Shipyard and return it to duty before the discovery of additional cracks in pipes drove the estimated repair costs up from $450 million to $700 million. 海軍原本打算在樸茨茅斯海軍船廠將這艘去年受損的攻擊潛艦修復後重新服役,後來發現管線有其他裂縫,使得預估修復費用從4億5000萬美元暴增為7億美元。 The Navy announced last month it was scrapping plans to repair the Miami because of the higher estimates coupled with mandated budget cuts. 海軍上個月宣布,由於高漲的預估費用加上強制性預算削減,取消修理邁阿密號的計畫。 Loren Thompson, defense analyst at the Lexington Institute, said the waste of taxpayer dollars underscores the challenges facing the Navy as it shifts priorities to meet reduced funding. 萊辛頓研究中心防衛分析家羅倫.湯普森說,這種浪費納稅人錢之舉,凸顯海軍為因應經費遭削減而改變優先要務之際所面臨的挑戰。 The Miami was severely damaged by a fire set by a shipyard worker in May 2012 while it was in dry dock during a 20-month overhaul at the Kittery, Maine, shipyard. 邁阿密號去年在緬因州奇特里船廠乾船塢進行為期20個月的翻修時,在5月間遭一名船廠工人縱火而嚴重受損。 The submarine remains will be towed to Puget Sound Naval Shipyard in Washington State, where it’ll eventually be cut up for scrap. Inactivation costs are estimated to be $54 million, the Navy said. 這艘潛艦將被拖到華盛頓州普吉灣海軍船廠拆解報廢。海軍說,報廢處理費用估計要5400萬美元。 新聞辭典 sink:動詞,花錢或精力於某事上。例句:I’ve sunk all my savings into buying the new house.(我花了我所有積蓄買下這棟新房子。) scuttle:動詞,破壞、放棄。例句:Those skirmishes could scuttle the peace talk.(那些小衝突恐將破壞和談。) couple with:動詞片語,結合、配合。例句:The beautiful scenery, coupled with the hospitality of the local people, makes the trip perfect.(美景加上當地民眾的好客,成就這趟完美旅行。)

