
Will the world end in 2032? 世界將在2032年終結?

Ukrainian astronomers discover massive asteroid that could hit the earth with the power of 2,500 nuclear bombs. 烏克蘭天文學家發現龐大的小行星,可能以2500顆核彈的威力撞上地球。 Crimean Astrophysical Observatory found the massive asteroid, called 2013 TV135, last weekend and the international scientific community has already rated it as one of the two most dangerous asteroids ever recorded. 克里米亞天文台上週末發現這顆龐大的小行星,命名為2013 TV135,國際科學界已將其評等為曾經被記錄的2顆最危險行星之一。 The world as we know it could end on August 26, 2032. 我們所知的這個世界可能在2032年8月26日終結。 Still, the chances of the object striking Earth are very low, estimated at 1 in 63,000. That means there’s a 99.9984 percent chance that life on the planet will continue as normal. 不過,那個物體撞上地球的機率非常低,估計為6萬3000分之1。那表示地球上的生命將一如往常繼續的機率高達99.9984%。 The chance of hitting a MegaMillions jackpot, by comparison, is 1 in 176million. 「兆彩」的中獎機會,相較之下,是1億7600萬分之1。 NASA has deemed the object ’potentially hazardous’. Scientists have also given it a danger rating of 1 out of 10 on the Torino Scale. 美國航太總署已將該物體判定為「潛在危險」。科學家們也已將它訂為杜林諾危險分級10級中的1級。 If 2013 TV135 were to collide with Earth, it is estimated to impact with 2,500 megatons of explosive power. 如果2013 TV135會撞上地球,估計其衝擊將達到2500百萬噸炸藥的威力。 The effects of an impact would be catastrophic, especially if it struck a populated area. 撞擊的影響將是毀滅性的,尤其是如果它撞進人口稠密的地區。 新聞辭典 collide with:動詞片語,互撞、碰撞。例句:Running round the corner, I collided with a gentleman.(我跑過轉角處,撞上一位紳士。) impact:名詞,衝擊、影響。例句:The computer had made a great impact on modern life.(電腦對現代生活產生重大影響。) catastrophic:形容詞,大災變的、毀滅性的。例句:In our business, a swing of 15% is catastrophic.(在我們這個行業,15%的變動就是災難。)

