
英國阻止凱莉.克萊森把珍.奧斯汀的戒指帶出英國 Britain bars Kelly Clarkson from taking Jane Austen ring out of UK

俞智敏 The US singer Kelly Clarkson has been barred from taking a ring that once belonged to Jane Austen out of Britain on the grounds it is too precious a part of literary history to leave the country. 美國歌星凱莉.克萊森最近被阻止把一只曾為英國小說家珍.奧斯汀所擁有的戒指帶出英國,理由是這只戒指是英國文學史的一部份,珍貴到不應離開英國。 The gold and turquoise ring is one of only three surviving pieces of jewellery known to have belonged to the writer. It was given to her sister Cassandra and then passed down through the family. 這只鑲有黃金和綠松石的戒指是目前已知奧斯汀曾擁有三件僅存的珠寶之一。奧斯汀把戒指送給了姊姊卡珊卓後,這只戒指就在奧斯汀家族間代代相傳。 Clarkson, who shot to fame when she won the American Idol TV talent show, bought the ring at auction last year for more than £150,000. 贏得電視選秀節目「美國偶像」冠軍後一炮而紅的克萊森,去年在一場拍賣會中以逾15萬英鎊的價格買下這只戒指。 But the culture minister, Ed Vaizey, has put a temporary export ban on it to try to keep it in the UK. 但英國文化部長維濟對此交易宣布了暫時出口禁令,試圖讓戒指留在英國。 "Jane Austen’s modest lifestyle and her early death mean that objects associated with her of any kind are extremely rare," he said, "So I hope that a UK buyer comes forward so this simple but elegant ring can be saved for the nation." 「珍.奧斯汀的生活簡樸加上英年早逝,表示與她有關的任何物品都極為稀有。」他說,「所以我希望有英國的買家願意出面,替國家留下這只樣式簡單卻優雅的戒指。」 Austen, whose face will appear on £10 notes from 2017, wrote six full novels which secured her place in the canon of English literature. Her books, which are regularly adapted for television and film, continue to sell well almost 200 years after her death at 41, in 1817. 奧斯汀的肖像將於2017年被印製在10英鎊鈔票上,她生前寫下的6本小說確立了她在英國文學的經典地位。她的作品經常被改編為電視影集和電影,在她於1817年41歲去世至今近200年後依舊暢銷。 新聞辭典 bar:動詞,指阻止或禁止某人做某事,如The judge will bar the jurors from talking to reporters.(法官將禁止陪審團員和記者交談。) pass something down:片語,指把某物遺留、傳承給某人,如My grandfather passed this watch down to me.(祖父把這支錶留傳給我。) shoot to fame:片語,指一夕成名、突然聲名大噪,如She shot to fame overnight after her appearance on the popular television show.(她在這個當紅電視節目裡亮相後就一炮而紅。)

