
Dolphin caught 10lb cod and gave it to family for their dinner 海豚補10磅鱈魚,送給一家人當晚餐

A family who watched a dolphin leaping in front of their kayaks were stunned after it caught a huge fish and dropped it in front of them for their dinner. 在他們的獨木舟前觀看一隻海豚躍然而起的一家人,在牠抓了一條大魚並將其丟在他們前面當晚餐後瞠目結舌。 The group had spent several minutes enjoying the mischievous mammal which started swimming around their canoes off the Devon coast. But to their astonishment the friendly animal then dived down and dropped a massive cod next to Lucy Watkins, 14. 這群人在(英國)德文郡外海,花了數分鐘欣賞這隻在其獨木舟周邊游水的調皮哺乳動物。但接著讓他們大感驚訝的是,這頭友善的動物潛下水,然後將一條大鱈魚放在14歲的璐西.瓦金斯旁。 The dolphin then resurfaced and began nudging the 10lb fish towards the teenager. 之後這隻海豚再度浮上水面,開始將這條10磅重的魚推向這位青少女。 Lucy and her grandparents wondered whether they should pick up the floating offering in case the dolphin wanted it for himself. But the dolphin then resurfaced seconds later with his own fish, this time a seabass, and began tucking in. 璐西與她的祖父母納悶是否應撈起這個浮動禮物,深怕海豚是要給自己的。但幾秒後,海豚帶著自己的魚再次浮出水面,這次是一條黑鱸魚,然後開始大快朵頤。 The family gratefully scooped up the cod. Lucy said: “He definitely wanted me to have his fish. He first dropped it 20ft away but then pushed it to within 5ft of my kayak. Everyone was watching on the beach and we caused quite a stir when we paddled in with the cod.” 這家人感謝地拾起這條鱈魚。璐西說︰「牠一定希望我收下牠的魚。牠先將魚放在20英尺遠的地方,然後推到距離我的獨木舟5英尺內。海灘上的每一個人都觀看著,當我們帶著鱈魚划槳上岸時,引起不小騷動。」 新聞辭典 tuck in︰痛快吃喝。例句︰After that long walk we didn’t need to any encouragement to tuck in.(在長途跋涉後,我們無需別人說聲請,便大吃起來。) scoop up︰口語,快速地拾起、撿起、抱起。例句︰She scooped up the money John had left.(她一把撈起約翰留下的錢。) cause(create) a stir︰慣用語,引起轟動。例句︰This book is going to cause a big stir in the world.(這本書將在全球引起大轟動。)

