
「哈囉,我是教宗」 “Hello, it’s the pope”: Francis calls student

A teenager who wrote to Pope Francis got a shock when the Catholic leader called him up for a chat -- the latest example of the pontiff’s down-to-earth approach. 一名寫信給教宗方濟的青少年,在這位天主教領袖打電話給他聊天時嚇了一跳。這是教宗親民作風的最新一例。 Francis called up a journalist friend on the day of his election and even phoned a newspaper stand in Buenos Aires to cancel his subscription. 方濟在他當選教宗當天打電話給記者朋友,甚至打給布宜諾斯艾利斯一家書報攤取消訂報。 Stefano Cabizza, a 19-year-old student from Padua in northeast Italy, had sent a letter to the pope, the local Il Gazzettino daily said on Thursday. But he said he never expected the phone to ring and a voice on the other end to say: "Hello, it’s the pope". Cabizza said that the two "laughed and chatted for eight minutes" and that Francis had blessed him. 地方報「加澤蒂諾報」週四報導,來自義大利東北部巴多瓦的19歲學生卡比薩,寄了一封信給教宗。但他說,他從沒料到電話會響起,另一端的聲音會說:「哈囉,我是教宗。」卡比薩說,兩人「笑著閒聊了8分鐘」,方濟還為他祈禱。 The pope, formerly the archbishop of Buenos Aires, makes many calls directly in a break with protocol under which calls are usually handled by aides or at least through the Vatican switchboard. 先前擔任布宜諾斯艾利斯主教的教宗常常親自打電話,打破教宗的電話通常由助理處理,至少是透過教廷總機轉接的規矩。 新聞辭典 get a shock:片語,大吃一驚。例句:It was such a loud crash - I got quite a shock.(撞擊這麼大聲,我真的嚇了一跳。) approach:名詞,作風、方法。例句:I’ve just read an interesting book which has a new approach to Shakespeare.(我剛讀了一本很有趣的書,以新觀點討論莎士比亞。) break:名詞,結束(某種關係,做某事的方法)。例句:Their decision to not name their daughter Jane was a break with family tradition.(他們決定女兒不取名叫珍,打破了家族傳統。)

