
「經理人失敗的最常見原因是沒能力或不願意因新職位的需求而做改變。繼續延用他以前成功方法的經理人幾乎是注定要失敗。」“The most common cause of executive failure is inability or unwillingness to change with the demands of a new position. The executive who keeps on doing what he has done successfully before is almost bound to fail.”

“The most common cause of executive failure is inability or unwillingness to change with the demands of a new position. The executive who keeps on doing what he has done successfully before is almost bound to fail.” – Peter Drucker, Management expert 「經理人失敗的最常見原因是沒能力或不願意因新職位的需求而做改變。繼續延用他以前成功方法的經理人幾乎是注定要失敗。」– 彼得‧杜拉克 (管理學專家) •“cause” 是「原由;原因」。”executive” 是「總裁;高階經理人」。”what he has done successfully before” 我個人覺得是比較口語的用法,因為「現在完成式」通常不會與 “before” 一起出現,有 “before” 在,就是表示「過去式」(純過去式應是:what he did successfully before);然而這句話「現在完成式」與 “before” 同時出現,代表「他以前所做的成功的事情」,意思上仍顯得清楚。”bound to…” 是「一定會 / 必定…」如:Don’t lie to Tom. He is bound to find out sooner or later. (不要騙湯姆,他遲早會發現。) •彼得‧杜拉克 (1909-2005) 是美國著名的管理學作家及顧問,他影響及創造了許多管理學理論,包括:decentralization (權力下放)、privatization (民營化)、empowerment (授予權力) 等,”knowledge worker” (知識工作者) 一詞也是由他所創。

