
“A man’s ability cannot possibly be of one sort and his soul of another. If his soul be well-ordered, serious and restrained, his ability also is sound and sober. Conversely, when the one degenerates, the other is contaminated.”

“A man’s ability cannot possibly be of one sort and his soul of another. If his soul be well-ordered, serious and restrained, his ability also is sound and sober. Conversely, when the one degenerates, the other is contaminated.” – Seneca, Philosopher 「一個人的能力與心靈不可能不同調,如果他的心靈有條理、認真且嚴謹,他的能力也一定不錯且明智。相反的,當其中一方沉倫,另一方也會被玷污。」– 塞內卡 (哲學家) •sort (n.) 種類。well-ordered (adj.) 井然有序,有條理的。restrained (adj.) 嚴謹的; 克制的。sound (adj.) 健康的; 健全的。sober (adj.) 清醒的,冷靜的。例:a sober, hard-working young woman (一個冷靜、努力的年輕女孩)。degenerate (v.) 品質變壞。例:Due to lack of funds, school education is degenerating year by year. (由於資金不足,學校教育水準正每年下滑。) contaminate (v.) 弄髒,污染。例:Water used for drinking has been contaminated. (飲水已經被污染。) •塞內卡 (4 B.C. – 65) 是古羅馬時代著名斯多亞學派哲學家、政治家及劇作家,曾任尼祿皇帝的導師及顧問。

