
「在宗教及政治方面,人們的信仰及信念幾乎都是二手取來的,沒有經過自己仔細的檢視。」“In religion and politics, people’s beliefs and convictions are in almost every case gotten at second hand, and without examination.”

“In religion and politics, people’s beliefs and convictions are in almost every case gotten at second hand, and without examination.” – Mark Twain, Writer 「在宗教及政治方面,人們的信仰及信念幾乎都是二手取來的,沒有經過自己仔細的檢視。」– 馬克‧吐溫 (作家) •conviction (n.) 非常強的信念、想法。例:They have a deep conviction that marriage is for life. (他們堅信婚姻是一輩子的。) examination (n.) 仔細檢驗,驗證。例:I believe the issue needs further examination. (我認為這個議題需要進一步的驗證。) •馬克‧吐溫 (1835-1910) 為美國作家及幽默家,《湯姆歷險記》及它的續集《頑童歷險記》為其代表作,後者因完美述敘美國文化而被譽為「偉大的美國小說」(the Great American Novel)。

