
「你的每一個行為都是在播種,即使你還沒見到收成。」“With every deed you are sowing a seed, though the harvest you may not see.”

“With every deed you are sowing a seed, though the harvest you may not see.” – Ella Wheeler Wilcox, Poet 「你的每一個行為都是在播種,即使你還沒見到收成。」– 艾拉‧惠勒‧威爾克斯 (詩人) •deed (n.) 行為。例:evil deeds done in the name of religion. (以宗教為名而做的邪惡行為)。sow (v.) 播種。harvest (n.) 收成,收割。 •艾拉‧惠勒‧威爾克斯 (1850-1919) 是美國作家與詩人,「孤獨」是她最有名的作品,其中 2 句話最廣為人知:”Laugh, and the world laughs with you; Weep, and you weep alone.” (笑吧,世界隨你而笑;哭泣,只得獨自淚流。)

