
「既然你無論如何都要想,想大的。」“As long as you’re going to be thinking anyway, think big.”

“As long as you’re going to be thinking anyway, think big.” – Donald Trump, Real Estate Magnate 「既然你無論如何都要想,想大的。」– 唐納‧川普 (地產大亨) •“as long as” 有兩個解釋,第一個是「只要」,如:As long as you come by 8, he will be here. (只要你 8 點到,他都會在這裡。) 第二個是「由於;既然」,如:As long as you are going to the grocery anyway, buy me some cookies. (既然你無論如何都要去雜貨店,買一些餅乾給我。) •唐納‧川普 (1946- ) 為美國地產大亨,他旗下經營的項目包括住宅大樓、旅館、渡假村、賭場、及高爾夫球場等,他的 The Apprentice (誰是接班人) 節目讓他成為媒體名人。

