“Dealing with complexity is an inefficient and unnecessary waste of time, attention and mental energy. There is never any justification for things being complex when they could be simple.”
– Edward de Bono, Author
– 愛德華‧德‧波諾 (作家)
complexity (n.) 複雜。例:the complexity of the problem at hand (手上問題的複雜性)。complex (adj.) 複雜的。例:Photosynthesis is a very complex process. (光合作用是一個非常複雜的過程。) justification (n.) 理由正當,合理;justify (v.) 例:There is no justification for sending troops to Afghanistan. (派軍至阿富汗是沒有道理的。)
愛德華‧德‧波諾 (1933- ) 為天才型學者,是牛津大學心理學及生理學碩士、劍橋大學醫學博士、蘇格蘭鄧迪大學法學博士、墨爾本皇家理工大學設計學博士。他創立了 lateral thinking (平向思考) 一詞,著有暢銷書 Six Thinking Hats (六頂思考帽子)。