

“The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen.”

– Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, Psychiatrist


– 伊莉莎白‧庫伯勒-羅斯 (精神科醫師)

第一句話使用一系列的現在完成式:”those who have known defeat, (have) known suffering,… and have found their way out of the depths” 來描述 “the most beautiful people we have known” (我們所認識最美麗的人)。第二句 “These people have… that…” 結構上類似 “so… that…” 的句型,”that” 在句子裡有連接的作用。如:The weather condition is so severe that we can’t risking going to the sea today. (天氣狀況非常的惡劣使我們今天不能冒險出航。) “fill A with B” 是「使 A 充滿 B」的意思。’suffer’ 是「受苦,忍受」,為動詞。’appreciation’ 是「感謝;欣賞」,為名詞。’compassion’ 是「同情,憐憫」,為名詞。

伊莉莎白‧庫伯勒-羅斯 (1926-2004) 為瑞士出生的精神科醫師,後來移局美國,為瀕臨死亡經驗研究 (near-death studies) 的先驅,她的 On Death and Dying (論死亡與臨終) 為該領域的開創性著作。她一生獲得 20 個榮譽學位 (其中 19 個為博士),在 2007 年入選美國國家婦女名人堂 (National Women’s Hall of Fame)。

