
我對年齡沒有不切實際的觀感,你在任何一個年齡都可以是有趣或無趣的人,年老並沒有特別有趣,而年輕亦然。“I have no romantic feelings about age. Either you are interesting at any age or you are not. There is nothing particularly interesting about being old – or being young for that matter.”

“I have no romantic feelings about age. Either you are interesting at any age or you are not. There is nothing particularly interesting about being old – or being young for that matter.”
– Katharine Hepburn, Actress

「我對年齡沒有不切實際的觀感,你在任何一個年齡都可以是有趣或無趣的人,年老並沒有特別有趣,而年輕亦然。」– 凱瑟琳‧霍頓‧赫本 (女演員)
凱瑟琳‧霍頓‧赫本(1907-2003)為美國電影與戲劇界的指標性人物,近 60 年的演藝生涯橫跨數種表演類型,有「美國影壇第一夫人」美譽,4 度榮獲奧斯卡影后,被「美國電影學會」封為美國影視史上最偉大的女演員。

