

“A successful individual typically sets his next goal somewhat but not too much above his last achievement. In this way he steadily raises his level of aspiration.”
– Kurt Lewin, Psychologist


– 庫爾特‧勒溫 (心理學家)

typically (adv.) 典型地,通常地。例:I typically get 10 spam mails per day. (我通常一天收到 10 封垃圾郵件。) somewhat (adv.) 稍微;些許。例:He is somewhat shorter than I expected. (他比我預期的還要矮一點。) steadily (adv.) 持續地,穩定地;steady (adj.)。

例:We are making steady progress. (我們有著穩定的進步。) aspiration (n.) 熱望,抱負。例:the aspirations of the middle class (中產階級的熱望)。
庫爾特‧勒溫 (1890-1947) 為出生波蘭的美國心理學家,他是社會、組織及應用心理學的先驅之一,也被稱為「社會心理學之父」。

