“In the confrontation between the stream and the rock, the stream always wins, not through strength but by perseverance.”
– H. Jackson Brown Jr., motivational writer
– 傑克森‧小布朗 (勵志作家)
confrontation (n.) 對抗,對峙;confront (v.)。stream (n.) 溪流。perseverance (n.) 堅持不懈;毅力;persevere (v.)。例:If Mary had persevered, she would probably have made it to the final. (如果 Mary 當時堅持下去,她很可能會進入決賽。)
傑克森‧布朗 (1940- ) 是美國心靈勵志作家,他的著作在全世界翻成 35 種語言銷售數百萬冊,Life’s Little Instruction Book (511個幸福守則) 為其最有名的著作。