

“Leaders are people who can discern the inevitable and act accordingly. When people talk about business acumen, discernment is a big part of it. It’s a bit like gut instinct, but a little more developed.”
– Donald Trump, Real Estate Magnate

– 唐納‧川普 (地產大亨)

discern (v.) 辨別,識別。例:I can discern the note of urgency in her voice. (我可以從她的語氣中聽出事情的急迫性。) inevitable (adj.) 不可避免的。accordingly (adv.) 對應,相對。例:David’s parents still consider him a child and treat him accordingly. (大衛的父母還把他當成小孩並依此對待他。) acumen (n.) 敏銳。例:political acumen (政治敏銳)。gut (n.) 直覺。例:He had a gut feeling that something was not right. (他的直覺告訴他事情不太對勁。)

唐納‧川普 (1946- ) 為美國地產大亨,他旗下經營的項目包括住宅大樓、旅館、渡假村、賭場、及高爾夫球場等,他的 The Apprentice (誰是接班人) 節目讓他成為媒體界名人。

