
Up to half of world’s food goes to waste, report says 報告指出,全球高達半數的食物被浪費掉

Up to half of all the food produced worldwide ends up going to waste due to poor harvesting, storage and transport methods as well as irresponsible retailer and consumer behavior, a report said.


The world produces about four billion metric tons of food a year but 1.2 to 2 billion metric tons is not eaten, the study by the London-based Institution of Mechanical Engineers said.


In developed countries, efficient farming methods, transport and storage mean that most of the wastage occurs through retail and customer behavior.


Retailers produce 1.6 million metric tons of food waste a year because they reject crops of edible fruit and vegetables because they do not meet exacting size and appearance criteria, the report by the engineering society said.


Of the food which does reach supermarket shelves, 30-50 percent of what is bought in developed countries is thrown away by customers, often due to poor understanding of "best before" and "use by" dates.


A "use by" date is when there is a health risk associated with using food after that date. A "best before" date is more about quality - when it expires it does not necessarily mean food is harmful but it may lose some flavor and texture.


Promotional offers and bulk discounts also encourage shoppers to buy large quantities in excess of their needs.


By contrast, in less developed countries, wastage mostly happens due to inefficient harvesting and poor handling and storage.(Reuters)



go to waste︰動詞片語,被浪費掉、白費、付諸東流。例句︰Don’t let this good food go to waste.(別讓這好好的食物給糟蹋了。)

end up︰動詞片語,最後、告終。例句︰Wasteful people usually end up in debt.(揮霍者最後往往負債。)

exacting︰形容詞,嚴厲的、難以討好的。例句︰She is an exacting mother.(她是一位嚴苛的母親。)

