


The great thing about problems is they are really tremendous learning opportunities in disguise. Get to work solving them and you will learn lots.






The keys to changing the problems which will crop up into learning opportunities are:

■Never make the mistake of underestimating a problem –but look at things with clear eyes and respect for the size of the challenge that lies in front of you.

■At the same time, don't supersize the problem either – don't turn it into a brick wall in your mind. Keep reminding yourself people have experienced that and bigger problems before and come out on top and you can too. Look at things realistically and then get to work doing what's required.

■Don't think the problem will solve itself – it won't. You've got to be actively engaged in coming up with a solution which will work in the real world.

■Don't do things which only aggravate the problem further –that's crazy but it's amazing how many people do that. Instead, maintain a healthy perspective and stay positive. Realize a solution exists – you just need to get out there and find it.






To overcome problems and turn them into opportunities for learning:

■Anticipate the problem – accept that problems always arise whenever you try something new and see this as your opportunity to shine.

■Communicate the problem – to the people whom it will effect. Talk to the people who can help you solve it and make them aware of what's come up. Get everyone on the same page so they can contribute in a meaningful way.

■Evaluate the problem – ask: "What is the real issue here?" followed by: "Does this really matter?" By all means maintain a healthy perspective and keep the end in mind. You may find many issues which look like big problems at first are really pretty minor when you get down to the real facts.

■Appreciate the problem – accept that overcoming it will in fact make you work harder and smarter than you would ordinarily so this is a great opportunity to learn and grow.

