
Chimp lawsuit falters in US courts 黑猩猩訴訟案美國法院判敗訴

Three US judges have rejected lawsuits demanding that chimpanzees be recognized as people with fundamental rights, an animal charity said Tuesday.


The Nonhuman Rights Project petitioned three courts in New York State in a bid to have the four chimpanzees moved to a sanctuary.


It based its petitions on behalf of chimpanzees Tommy, Kiko, Hercules and Leo on the principle of habeas corpus, which in New York allowed slaves to establish their right to freedom.


But all three judges threw out the applications on the grounds that habeas corpus does not apply to an animal.


The organization says Tommy is held in a cage at a used trailer lot while 26-year-old Kiko is deaf and living in a private home.


Hercules and Leo are owned by a research center and used in locomotion experiments on Long Island.


Judge Joseph Sise said he would entertain a separate lawsuit seeking to right any wrongs to Tommy but could not consider him a person.



petition:動詞,請願。例句:They began to petition the queen.(他們開始乞求女王。)

in a bid to:片語,為了、試圖。例句:The boy stays away from the tent in a bid to give the girl some privacy.(男孩站得離帳篷遠遠的,好讓女孩有一點隱私。)

on behalf of:片語,代表(某人)。例句:They interceded with the authorities on behalf of the detainees.(他們替遭拘留者向當局求情。)

