
北安普敦婦人寫「感謝信」給竊賊 Northampton woman writes ’thank you letter’ to burglars

Kate Barrett, 36, has written a thank you letter to the burglars who broke into her house and apologised for not having "particularly expensive tastes".


"Dear Burglars, Thanks for popping by the other night and we’re sorry we didn’t have more for you to take", she wrote in the letter.


She wrote that she and her partner, Dan Owens, were "disappointed" the thieves had ignored her VHS video and cassette collection.


"As you now know, we don’t have particularly expensive tastes so there’s no need to come in again, unless you would like to take my collection of VHS videos and cassettes - Dan is very disappointed you didn’t take these first time round."


The couple were both away and Miss Barrett got home first to discover the "ransacked" house.


Mr Owens, 34, said: "The burglars had gone through every room but there wasn’t too much to take - some cash, a camera, an iPod, but nothing too major."



pop by:動詞片語,(沒事先通知的)順道拜訪、短暫拜訪。例句:Steve just popped by Jane’s flat on his way home.(史帝夫剛剛在回家路上順道到珍那裡坐坐。)

ransack:動詞,洗劫,徹底翻找、搜查。例句:Those looters ransacked every house in the village.(那群劫匪洗劫這個村子的每間屋子。)

go through:動詞片語,在本文中為「翻找」之意。另有迅速消耗某物、迅速完成某事,經歷,仔細檢查等意思。例句:We must go through these exercises in 30 minutes.(我們必須在30分鐘內做完這些練習題。)

