
UN plan charts path to climate accord limiting pollution 聯合國方案畫出邁向限制污染的氣候協議的路線

Envoys from almost 190 nations endorsed a program that sets out steps toward the next agreement aimed at reducing global warming, after accepting a compromise that watered down the responsibilities of developing nations such as India and China.


Delegates at a United Nations conference in Warsaw backed a plan from India and China calling for all nations to make ’’contributions’’ to reducing fossil-fuel emissions within the next two years. The language was less strict than the ’’commitments’’ suggested by the U.S. and Europe.


The conference ran a day behind schedule amid divisions between richer nations and poorer ones about who was responsible for climate change and who must move first.


The envoys had locked horns on finance. The typhoon that devastated the Philippines in early November also amplified the anger of developing countries that industrial nations are backtracking on previous pledges.


Japan, Australia and Canada have watered down commitments on emissions. The Warsaw talks mark the first time since the UN started these discussions in 1992 that ambitions have been scaled back.



locked horns:動詞片語,起紛爭,激烈爭辯。例句:Jack and his boss locked horns over increasing his workload.(傑克和他的老闆就增加他的工作量一事槓上了。)

water down, scale back:動詞片語,淡化、縮小(規模)。例句:After considering the limited budget, we have scaled back the project.(基於預算有限的考量,我們縮小了這項計畫的規模。)

backtrack:動詞,撤回,改變心意,反悔。例句:The governmet has backtracked on the decision to raise tax rates on rich people.(政府撤回對富人增稅的決定。)

