
Author Murakami wades into Japan-China island row 作家村上春樹涉入日中島嶼爭議

Haruki Murakami, one of the world’s foremost novelists, waded into the territorial row between China and Japan recently, warning of the peril of politicians offering the "cheap liquor" of nationalism.


The Japanese author of "Norwegian Wood" said cool heads should prevail.


Writing in the liberal-leaning Asahi Shimbun, Murakami, who has been tipped as a future Nobel laureate, said disputes over land existed because of the unfortunate system of dividing humanity into countries with national borders.


"When a territorial issue ceases to be a practical matter and enters the realm of ’national emotions’, it creates a dangerous situation with no exit.


"It is like cheap liquor. Cheap liquor gets you drunk after only a few shots and makes you hysterical. It makes you speak loudly and act rudely... But after your drunken rampage you are left with nothing but an awful headache the next morning.


"We must be careful about politicians and polemicists who lavish us with this cheap liquor and fan this kind of rampage," he wrote.


"You soon sober up after the buzz of cheap liquor passes," he said. "But the path for souls to come and go must not be blocked."


Murakami has never shied away from controversy. When he received the 2009 Jerusalem Prize, Israel’s highest literary honour for foreign writers, he obliquely criticised the Middle East conflict.


"If there is a hard, high wall and an egg that breaks against it, no matter how right the wall or how wrong the egg, I will stand on the side of the egg," he said at the ceremony in Jerusalem.(AFP)



a cool head:指在困境中保持冷靜思考的能力,如These are high pressure situations and you have to keep a cool head.(在這種高壓情況下,你必須保持冷靜。)

sober up:片語,指使(酒醉者)清醒,亦可引申為指讓某人面對現實,如The harsh reality of what had happened sobered him up immediately.(事情發生的殘酷現實讓他立刻清醒過來。)

obliquely:副詞,形容詞為oblique,指斜的、傾斜的,引申為指拐彎抹角的、不直截了當的,間接的,如He referred obliquely to a sordid event in her past.(他拐彎抹角地提到她過去發生的一樁難堪事件。)

