Drivers ogling pedestrians cause nearly one million crashes in Britain every year, new figures have shown.
Figures show distracted motorists cause an average of 2,525 crashes every day - the equivalent of 921,840 per year.
Researchers found drivers crash their cars into lampposts or shunt other vehicles more in the summer when men and women are wearing less clothing.
A study of 2,142 drivers found 60 percent of men admitted being distracted by attractive women while 12 percent of women said they took their eyes off the road to leer at good looking men.
Insurance company Direct Line discovered 17 percent of male drivers admitted knowing their actions were dangerous but said they "could not help but look".
And 21 percent of drivers also admitted that advertising billboards featuring pictures of perfect models were also a major distraction on the road.
Between 2008 and 2009, 921,840 drivers across Britain admitted crashing because they were distracted by a member of the opposite sex.
ogle:動詞,向…拋媚眼;盯視。例句:He ogled all the pretty girls.(他色迷迷地看著所有漂亮的女孩。)
shun︰動詞,(蓄意的或出於習慣的)躲開、迴避。比如,to shun publicity(避免拋頭露面);to shun society(不愛社交)。
leer:動詞,邪惡、色迷迷地看。例句:Leering at girls is rude.(色迷迷地盯著女孩看很沒禮貌。)