
The creative process requires more than reason. Most original thinking isn’t even verbal. It requires ‘a groping experimentation with ideas, governed by intuitive hunches and inspired by the unconscious.創新的過程需要的不單是邏輯,大多數的獨創性思想沒有文字,它需要的是『摸索實驗不同想法,由直覺所駕馭,由下意識所引導。

“The creative process requires more than reason. Most original thinking isn’t even verbal. It requires ‘a groping experimentation with ideas, governed by intuitive hunches and inspired by the unconscious.'”
– David Ogilvy, Advertising Executive

「創新的過程需要的不單是邏輯,大多數的獨創性思想沒有文字,它需要的是『摸索實驗不同想法,由直覺所駕馭,由下意識所引導。』」– 大衛‧奧格威 (廣告總裁)
original (adj.) 原始的。verbal (adj.) 文字的。grope (v.) 暗中摸索,探索。例:We groped around blindly in the cave. (我們在洞裡盲目的摸索。) intuitive (adj.) 直覺的。hunch (n.) 預感。例:I had a hunch that it would happen sooner or later. (我有預感它遲早會發生。) inspire (v.) 激起,引發。the unconscious 下意識的
大衛‧奧格威(1911-1999)生於英國,移居美國後創辦當今世界最大的廣告公司之一奧美集團,被譽為「廣告教父」(The Father of Advertising),其著作如《一個廣告人的自白》及《奧格威談廣告》為全球廣告從業者的必讀經典。

