

2012年6月13日至22日聯合國於巴西里約熱內盧舉辦永續發展會議(The United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development Rio de Janeiro, 2012, 簡稱UNCSD, Rio+20)系列活動,該會議定位為全球最高層級的會議,是聯合國自1992年後第三度邀請各國元首、數千名全球各地公、私部門領導人、以及非政府組織及團體等,共聚一堂討論全球及人類於推動永續發展上面臨的問題,進而商討在現今越來越擁擠的地球上,如何制定可減少貧困,建立公平、公正的社會,及確保環境永續發展等議題的政策大方向

李遠哲前院長於2008年10月當選為國際科學理事會(International Council for Science, ICSU)繼任會長,2011年9月30日正式接任會長職務後便帶領國際科學理事會推動各種全球科學合作議題。該會接受聯合國邀請,主導規劃並主持為期5天的「永續發展之科學、技術與創新論壇(Forum on Science, Technology & Innovation For Sustainable development)」,並且將在論壇中正式宣布「未來地球 ( Future Earth)」計畫的啟動,該計畫是由全球主要科學組織、資助科研的政府及聯合國相關組織共同發起的一個重要的、十年國際性永續研究計畫。值得一提的是,計畫籌劃的初期,國際科學理事會在李會長的奔走下,獲得國內多位傑出企業家的慷慨贊助,使得該計畫得以順利的推動與成形。


除了出席上述聯合國及相關組織正式會議外,李前院長也將參加諾貝爾永續發展論壇之里約高層對話,於聯合國正式大會前和參與論壇之各界高層代表共同簽署諾貝爾里約永續宣言(Rio Declaration),該宣言隨後也將遞送聯合國大會參考。


國際科學理事會: http://www.icsu.org/
未來地球: http://www.icsu.org/future-earth
聯合國永續發展高峰會: http://www.uncsd2012.org/rio20/index.php?menu=17

ICSU President gives statement at Rio+20

Professor Yuan Tseh Lee represented the Scientific and Technological Major Group at the opening of Rio+20, the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development with the following statement.
"I am honored to address you on behalf of the global scientific and technological community.
We meet at a time of unprecedented challenges. Science has sounded the alarm that humanity is putting enormous pressure on our planet. We have entered the Anthropocene, where human activity dominates the planet. Dangerous climate change, biodiversity loss, and widespread pollution present grave threats to our survival.
We, the science, engineering and technology communities urge leaders to act now.  Failure to do so increases the risk of abrupt and irreversible changes to the biosphere that will undermine the sustainability of life on earth.
Research shows that responding to these challenges requires fundamental transformations, both personal and systemic, to protect our planet, eradicate poverty and hunger, address inequality and conflict, and safeguard human rights and justice.
Science, engineering and technology have helped drive the development of human societies for centuries. Our transformation to sustainability must be supported by the best knowledge, innovation and feasibility analyses that science and engineering have to offer. Integrated research will deliver the knowledge society needs, and a strong science-policy interface must support decision-making.
We therefore call for Rio+20 to forge a new contract between science and society. The international science and engineering community is ready to step up to realize the Future We Want.
There is no time to waste. We must act now, together."


ICSU is co-organising partner for the ‘Scientific and Technological Community’ Major Group, together with the World Federation of Engineering Organizations (WFEO). This is one of nine 'Major Groups’ (non-governmental stakeholder groups) which will participate alongside governments in the Rio+20 conference, and in all stages of the preparatory process for the conference.
ICSU therefore has a key role to play in Rio+20, as it is jointly responsible for representing the knowledge, needs and concerns of the scientific and technological community. This includes the full range of scientific disciplines, including the natural, social, health and engineering sciences, and the humanities.

