
但願走好運 Touch wood

It is customary to place your hand on something wooden when saying the phrase 「touch wood」 to try and ward off bad luck. If there」s no wood available, some people put their hand on their head! Although opinion about the origin of the phrase differs, some people believe it was linked to mythology of trees, which were thought to possess spirits. By knocking or touching the wood of the trees, the spirits would know you were there and would offer you good fortune.
按照慣例在人們說「但願走好運」這句話時,一般都會把的手放在樹木或一些木製的東西上。如果周圍沒有木材的話,那麼有些人會把他們的手放在頭上 ! 人們對這一起源的說道不一, 一些人 認為它與神話的樹木有關,認為樹木裏擁有神靈。通過觸摸樹木,其中的神靈將會保佑你走 好運。

