
我學到一位傑出的領導的人有能力使別人做他們不想做的事並喜歡上它。」“I learned that a great leader is a man who has the ability to get other people to do what they don’t want to do and like it”

“I learned that a great leader is a man who has the ability to get other people to do what they don’t want to do and like it”

– Harry S. Truman, 33rd President of the United States

「我學到一位傑出的領導的人有能力使別人做他們不想做的事並喜歡上它。」– 哈瑞‧杜魯門 (美國第 33 任總統)
這句話說明 “a great leader” 是 “a man who has the ability… and like it”。
哈瑞‧杜魯門 (1884-1972) 為小羅斯福總統任內之副總統,在小羅斯福過逝後接任總統。杜魯門在任內遇上許多大事,國內事務有混亂的經濟衰退期、物資短缺、無數的罷工事件等;國外事務有納粹德國的敗亡、廣島與長崎原子彈爆炸、聯合國的成立、冷戰的開始、韓戰的爆發、及北約的成立等。

