
雙語閱讀者的大腦會抑制負面字眼Brains of bilingual readers repress negative words

Reading a nasty word in a second language may not pack the punch it would in your native tongue, thanks to an unconscious brain quirk that tamps down potentially disturbing emotions, a new study finds.


When reading negative words such as "failure" in their non-native language, bilingual Chinese-English speakers did not show the same brain response as seen when they read neutral words such as "aim." The finding suggests that the brain can process the meaning of words in the unconscious, while "withholding" information from our conscious minds.


"We think we’ve identified, for the first time, the mechanism by which emotion controls fundamental thought processes outside consciousness," study researcher Yanjing Wu, a psychologist at Bangor University in the United Kingdom, said in a statement.

「我們認為,我們首次找出了情緒在人的意識之外控制基本思維過程的機制」,進行這項研究的英國班戈大學心理學家吳嚴金(Yanjing Wu)在聲明中說。

It’s not yet clear why the brain dampens the response to these words, the researchers report in the Journal of Neuroscience.



pack a punch:動詞片語,猛力一擊,有非常大的威力、效力或影響力。例句:I don’t know what she has said to him, but it really packed a punch.(我不知道她對他說了什麼,但真的很有效。)

quirk:名詞,古怪的舉止、特性,怪癖,妙語,突然出現的莫名轉變。例句:Taking cold showers is one of his many quirks.(洗冷水澡是他許多怪癖中的一個。)

dampen:動詞,抑制、減弱。例句:The car accident has dampened our spirits.(這起車禍讓我們很掃興。)

