
Kicking 2 Unhealthy Habits May Bring Big Results, Study Says

Among the deluge of advice on how to be healthier, a new study suggests changing just two particular habits would go a long way toward helping people shape up:Get off the couch, and eat more fruits and vegetables.


In the study, researchers asked participants to take part in a various combinations of healthy activities. The researchers divided the study’s 204 participants into four groups.


The group that was told to spend less time being sedentary and to eat more fruits and veggies increased the amount of fruits and vegetables they ate from one daily serving to almost three, on average, and they cut the amount of free time they spent being sedentary by more than 90 minutes per day. That group also changed other unhealthy habits in the process and saw the greatest overall gains.


Meanwhile, those in the study who were working toward other combinations of goals, such as exercising more and eating less fat, fared less well overall.


Researchers concluded that focusing on cutting sedentary time and adding more fruits and veggies ended up also limiting fatty food intake, which often occurs during the hours spent in front of the television.



deluge:名詞,洪水、氾濫,大量湧至的事物;動詞,氾濫,淹沒。例句:The market is deluged with rumors of the upcoming new product.(市場充斥即將推出的新產品謠言。)

go a long way:動詞片語,大有幫助、很有成就。例句:His advices went a long way toward making our company more profitable.(他的建議對於讓我們公司更賺錢非常有幫助。)

shape up:動詞片語,振作,成形,事物進展或健康狀況、行為表現良好。例句:We have to shape ourselves up before the game.(我們得在比賽前提升我們的體能狀況。)

