
Scientists find gene that can make flu a killer 科學家發現使流感致命的基因

A genetic discovery could help explain why flu makes some people seriously ill or kills them, while others seem able to bat it away with little more than a few aches, coughs and sneezes.


In a study published in the journal Nature, British and American researchers said they had found for the first time a human gene that influences how people respond to flu infections, making some people more susceptible than others.


The finding helps explain why during the 2009/2010 pandemic of H1N1 or "swine flu", the vast majority of people infected had only mild symptoms, while others - many of them healthy young adults - got seriously ill and died.


In future, the genetic discovery could help doctors screen patients to identify those more likely to be brought down by flu, allowing them to be selected for priority vaccination or preventative treatment during outbreaks, the researchers said.


Paul Kellam of Britain’s Sanger Institute, who co-led the study, said the gene, called IFITM3, appeared to be a "crucial first line of defense" against flu.

共同領導該研究的英國桑格研究院專家保羅.凱倫指出,稱為 IFITM3的基因顯然是流感的「第一道關鍵防線」。

When IFITM3 was present in large quantities, the spread of the virus in lungs was hindered, he explained. But when IFITM3 levels were lower, the virus could replicate and spread more easily, causing more severe symptoms.(Reuters)



little more than︰只是…而已、僅僅。例句︰He’s little more than a puppet.(他只是一個傀儡罷了。)

susceptible︰形容詞,易受影響的、敏感的。例句︰She is very susceptible to colds.(她很容易感冒。)

bring down︰片語,撂倒、擊敗,也有縮減、降低之意。例句︰The baby’s fever was brought down after treatment.(經過治療後,寶寶的發燒減退。)

