
Wood-burning stoves all the rage in austerity Greece 希臘財政緊縮,木炭爐大風行

Once a symbol of poverty, the lowly wood burning stove is making a stonking comeback among cash-strapped Greeks horrified by the soaring costs of central heating as winter begins.


Even the wealthiest Greeks are turning to the kind of basic heating methods that most people haven’t used in decades as an economic crisis deepens, taxes rise and temperatures drop.


Costas Mitsionis who sells wood-burning stoves at the central Athens Monastiraki market, rubs his hands with glee as he talks about the doubled demand for his product. His tiny shop is bursting at the seams with stoves in all colours and shapes piled on top of one another almost to the ceiling.


"Business is up 100 percent," said Mitsionis, 42, constantly interrupted by phone calls from clients. "Everybody is flocking to buy, poor and rich alike -- this crisis has put the fear of God into everyone."


In a desperate move to plug its fiscal holes and meet its budget targets under an EU/IMF bailout, the government has hiked energy taxes, driving heating oil costs up to 40 percent higher.(Reuters)



all the rage:指風行一時,如Long hair for men was all the rage in the seventies.(男性留長髮在1970年代曾經蔚為風潮。)

rub (one’s) hands:表現出非常期待或滿意的樣子,如The owner rubbed his hands as the customer picked out item after item.(看著顧客把東西一樣一樣地挑走,店老闆高興得直搓手。)

burst at the seams:片語,形容非常擁擠、超過正常容納量,如When all the family come home the house is bursting at the seams.(當全家族成員都到齊時,這房子恐怕會被擠爆。)亦可形容高興或驕傲得快要爆炸,如He nearly burst at the seams with pride.(他自豪得不得了。)

