
「人生充滿活力,所伴隨的快樂抵消人們所面臨的所有痛楚與困境。」“The life force is vigorous. The delight that accompanies it counterbalances all the pains and hardships that confront men.”

“The life force is vigorous. The delight that accompanies it counterbalances all the pains and hardships that confront men.”
– William Somerset Maugham, Writer

「人生充滿活力,所伴隨的快樂抵消人們所面臨的所有痛楚與困境。」– 威廉‧薩默塞特‧毛姆 (作家)
vigorous (adj.) 有活力的,強健的。例:a vigorous campaign to oppose nuclear plant construction (積極反對核廠興建的運動。) counterbalance (v.) 平衡,抵消。例:He believes that riskier investments are counterbalanced by higher rewards. (他認為高報酬平衡高風險的投資。)
威廉‧薩默塞特‧毛姆 (1874-1965) 為英國著名小說家、劇作家及短篇故事作家,Of Human Bondage (人性的枷鎖) 為其代表小說。

