
Hot coffee is heartwarming 熱咖啡溫暖人心

A study has found that merely holding a hot coffee cup leads a person to see others as more generous and caring.


"Physical warmth can make us see others as warmer people, but also cause us to be warmer -- more generous and trusting -- as well," said John Bargh, a professor of psychology at Yale University.


Bargh and Lawrence Williams of University of Colorado ran a series of experiments to test the ties between physical temperature and emotional warmth. They asked people to briefly hold a hot or iced coffee. Then they were given a packet of information about another person and asked to assess his or her personality traits.


Those who had held the warm cup of coffee were far more likely to assign "warmth" as a personality trait than those who held the icy beverage.


In the second study, volunteers held ice packs or therapeutic heating pads as part of a product evaluation study. Then they were told they could receive a gift certificate for a friend or a gift for themselves.


Those who had held the hot pad were more likely to ask for the gift certificate, while those who held the frozen pack tended to keep the gift.


