
Singing familiar songs may help prompt Alzheimer’s patients to speak 唱熟悉的歌或許有助於刺激阿茲海默症患者說話

With advanced Alzheimer’s disease, language deteriorates and patients spontaneously speak less and less. In a small study from Israel, group music therapy sessions using tailored songs helped people with middle-to late-stage Alzheimer’s strike up communication.


For the study, six patients ages 65 to 83 attended group music therapy sessions twice a week for a month. Four of the patients were born in Israel; the other two were born in Eastern Europe and immigrated to Israel in their early teens.


Ayelet Dassa, a music therapist and the lead author of the study, selected 24 songs popular in Israel between 1930 and the late 1950s for the sessions.


“In Israel especially for this group, they came here or were born when the state was becoming independent,” Dassa said. The songs she chose were part of the foundation of the patients’ adult identity, which was tied to their country and their heritage, she said.


The music sessions led to spontaneous conversations about the songs, memories the songs triggered and about the act of singing as a group. Some participants talked about life on the Kibbutz many decades ago, or about learning certain songs in school with their music teachers. Others expressed pride at being able to remember lyrics to the songs and participating as part of a group.


“The idea that they are part of something is very important to people with Alzheimer’s,” she said. “They lose their sense of self. Their self esteem is very low.” (Reuters)

「 他們是屬於某個東西的一部分的概念,對阿茲海默症患者非常重要,」她說。「他們失去自我感,他們的自尊極低。」(路透)

