
巧實力 smart power

AIT理事主席薄瑞光則講美國對台政策。薄談到「巧實力」(smart power)觀點,並以花費鉅資在台北蓋AIT辦公新廈,讓台灣當局了解對台灣的長遠支持為例。
巧實力,是軍事硬實力,和政經外交等軟實力軟硬兼施(speak softly but carry a big stick)的綜效,對方苦思之餘難以抗拒(an offer he can't refuse)只得配合。所以也是帝國主義的美化版,現實生活中如賭場招攬賭客的手法(comps)便是。賭客等級由現場荷官決定:豪華賭客會加以追蹤,下次上門專機款待,精美飲食住宿全免。
巧實力是未開戰前,已在敵營內建立穩固基礎(establishing a foothold);對方夠聰明,對來我場子撒野(come into my backyard)的詭計,自不會善罷甘休,這種爭霸過程,孫子兵法敘述甚明:「夫霸王之兵,伐大國,則其眾不得聚;威加於敵,則其交不得合。是故不爭天下之交,不養天下之權,信己之私,威加於敵,則其城可拔,其國可隳。」其中精髓便是:準備萬全,勝負決定在開戰之前。

「四五者,一不知,非霸王之兵也」:賭場高手把好牌押到最後(saving their Ace),中間不輕易出手。荷官能否搞清:此君是保守(action speaks louder than words)的「一軍」(first string),還是占便宜的假豪客(comp hustlers),三者都在鬥智,各有所圖,誰能勝出,端在乎巧實力。

例:"On the world stage, Washington's policies are characterized by Roosevelt's slogan, "Speak softly and carry a big stick"."「軟硬兼施是美國外交政策的特色。」

"Make him an offer he can't refuse. So, he's impressed with your preparation and seems to be wavering."「出手要重:知道承受不起,他就乖乖聽命。」

"The government foresees this stipend for Chinese students as establishing a foothold in the next generation that handles the future of China."「政府認為給予中國學生獎學金,是在對中國有影響力的下一代建立友善基礎。」

"If he tries to come into my backyard and disrupt my household I will not hesitate."「如果他膽敢來我地盤鬧事,我絕不會善了。」

"The New York Knicks are saving their ace, Jeremy Shu-How Lin, for Saturday's probable matchup."「星期六之戰至關重要,尼克隊決定保留高手林書豪屆時出賽。」

"Casino dealers have to prepare for what gamblers could do, not what they seem to be doing, because actions speak louder than words."「身為荷官,對於賭客的觀察之道是:眼見為證。」

"They need to identify who are the first-string gamblers for the casinos, and give out comps to encourage them to come back."「他們必須幫賭場找出豪客,贈以種種好處,吸引他們再度上門。」

"Comp hustlers play advantage gambling in order to receive the comps casino offers."「假豪客非不得已絕不下注,上賭場的目的只在免費享用賭場的諸多招徠服務。」

