The guide dog that leaped onto subway tracks after his blind owner lost consciousness and fell off a station platform is assured a loving home after his retirement.
Cecil Williams, who has been recovering at a hospital with Orlando still by his side, had been slated to get another working dog in January or February to replace the 11-year-old black Lab.
Now, he would ideally like to have two dogs _ one working and one retired as a pet _ if logistics, physical abilities and finances allow.
If that’s not possible, the family that raised Orlando as a puppy says it will be "absolutely thrilled to have him back," said Guiding Eyes for the Blind spokeswoman Michelle Brier. "They’re very thrilled their little baby has made such a big difference." (AP)
by one’s side:慣用語,在某人身邊。
make a difference:慣用語,有所不同,發揮效果,進一步引申為要有所作為;常見的用法是makes no difference,沒差,沒有區別,沒有不一樣。例句:Some people believe that their votes make no difference all.(有些人深信,就算投票也不能改變什麼。)
thrill:動詞,興奮,激動,毛骨悚然。例句:She is thrilled to know that her old friends are coming to visit her tomorrow.(她對於老朋友們明日來訪大為欣喜。)