
Man sues toothpaste brand for not getting him any women 男子控告牙膏廠商因為沒讓他吸引到女人

Here’s a man who has been using ’Close-up’ brand of toothpaste for seven years in the hope of attracting a female. However, his hopes have been dashed and now he has decided to sue the brand as it has not aided him in attracting ladies with fresh smelling breath as the toothpaste ads suggest, according to Geobeats.


According to the 26-year-old man, Athony Olatunfe, Unilever Nigeria Limited has been sued and he has demanded that the company prove its claims with lab tests.


In the Close-up ads, women are shown flocking to men after they brush their teeth, Geobeats says.


Olatunfe says: "No girl ever agreed to even go out for a tea or coffee with me, even though I’m sure they could smell my breath. I always brush my teeth with so much close up gel to make sure the girls get turned on by my fresh breath as they usually show on TV."


The aggrieved man has submitted all of his used, half-used and unused tubes to the court as evidence. Unliever has been accused of ’cheating’ and causing him ’mental anguish’.



dash:動詞,打破,使毀滅,使沮喪、不安。例句:My travel plan was dashed by a blizzard.(我的旅遊計畫被一場暴風雪毀了。)

flock:動詞,成群聚集,成群而行。例句:Tourists from all over the world flock to here to witness the astronomical wonder.(來自全世界的遊客成群湧入此地目睹這個天文奇觀。)

turn on:動詞片語,引起興趣、引起好感,或指兩性間的吸引力。例句:Does that muscular guy turn you on? (那個肌肉男吸引你嗎?)

