
92-Year-Old Receives Degree from Ohio State 92歲老翁拿到俄亥俄州立大學學位

A little more than 73 years after enrolling at The Ohio State University, Ted Chandler received his Bachelor of Science degree Jan. 23 from the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences (CFAES).


Sporting gray socks with scarlet block O’s, a graduation cap and gown, and a cane featuring Brutus Buckeye, Chandler moved his golden tassel from right to left during a ceremony in the college’s Agricultural Administration building.


A horticulture major, Chandler entered Ohio State in the fall of 1940. After participating in ROTC as a sophomore and junior, his studies were interrupted by World War II when he was stationed in Southeast Asia. After the war, Chandler returned to his studies at Ohio State for one quarter. He then returned to the family farm and pickle factory near Medina, Ohio.


When asked what advice he would give to incoming freshman, Chandler said, "Don’t look for the easiest way. You learn more from hard work."



a little more than:慣用語,比…多一點。

quarter:名詞,4分之1,本文指的是「學季」。俄州大過去多年來採行1年4期(春夏秋冬)、每期約10週左右的學季制,但目前已改為1年2期、每期約14~15週的學期制(semester)。例句:A: Is OSU still on quarter system right now? B: No, it switches to a semester-based academic year in Summer 2012.(A:俄州大現在還是學季制嗎?B:不,該校已於2012年夏天改為學期學年制。)

look for:慣用語,尋找。例句:Where have you been? I have spent the whole day looking for you.(你去哪了?我找你一整天了。)

