
Courage is the price that life exacts for granting peace.

What we think determines what happens to us, so if we want to change our lives, we need to stretch our minds.

I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.

Get comfortable being uncomfortable. This is how you break the plateau and reach the next level.

The key to abundance is meeting limited circumstances with unlimited thoughts.

Allen Chen 懷想錄: 優秀領導人有如棒球裁判;表現稱職的話,幾乎沒人會注意到他。Good leaders are like...

Allen Chen 懷想錄: 優秀領導人有如棒球裁判;表現稱職的話,幾乎沒人會注意到他。Good leaders are like...: Good leaders are like baseball umpires; they go practically unnoticed when doing their jobs right. 優秀領導人有如棒球裁判;表現稱職的話,幾乎沒人會注意到他。 ─BYRD BAGGE...

Allen Chen 懷想錄: 所謂輝煌歲月,就是你親身經歷的那一段。The definition of the golden ag...

Allen Chen 懷想錄: 所謂輝煌歲月,就是你親身經歷的那一段。The definition of the golden ag...: The definition of the golden age are of anything is when you were there. 所謂輝煌歲月,就是你親身經歷的那一段。 ─ANTHONY M. KENNEDY

Allen Chen 懷想錄: 科學本身就具有偉大的美。一位從事研究工作的科學家,不僅是一個技術人員,並且他是一個小孩,在大自然的景...

Allen Chen 懷想錄: 科學本身就具有偉大的美。一位從事研究工作的科學家,不僅是一個技術人員,並且他是一個小孩,在大自然的景...: 科學本身就具有偉大的美。一位從事研究工作的科學家,不僅是一個技術人員,並且他是一個小孩,在大自然的景色中,好像迷醉於神話故事一般。- 居里夫人

Allen Chen 懷想錄: 詩119:50這話將我救活了.我在患難中、因此得安慰。

Allen Chen 懷想錄: 詩119:50這話將我救活了.我在患難中、因此得安慰。: 詩119:50這話將我救活了.我在患難中、因此得安慰。


Allen Chen 懷想錄: 每一個偉大的夢想都由一個夢想者開始。永遠記住,你內在有力量、耐心及熱忱去完成壯舉來改變世界。Ever...

Allen Chen 懷想錄: 每一個偉大的夢想都由一個夢想者開始。永遠記住,你內在有力量、耐心及熱忱去完成壯舉來改變世界。Ever...: Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience and the passion to reach for the st...


洪蘭-假如能夠像電影「回到未來」那樣重新來過的話,我想我會過完全不同的日子,我不會再去背課本,也不會在乎考試成績,因為我現在已經知道在校成績是不重要的,第一名對出社會後是一點用處也沒有的。我民國54年北一女畢業時,我的歷史老師說:「有十個年代,你們這輩子不准給我忘記,1066、1215、 1453、1588……」 我畢業至今46年了,我沒有忘記,但是我很想請問這位老師(假如她還在的話),我背這些要幹什麼?我真的一次也沒用到,卻浪費了 我大好的青春與腦力去記這些隨手可查到的資訊。 我要做的第二件事是花時間去交朋友,而不會留在教室中準備下一堂的考試,因為出社會以後,老闆在乎的是你服務的熱情與敬業的態度,不會管你是哪一所大學畢業的、考第幾名。也就是說,真正決定你成敗的是你的能力,不是你的學歷。為什麼朋友重要呢?因為朋友是除了父母以外,影響我們最大的人。 我相信你一定聽過這句話:「現在的你和五年後的你差別在你跟誰在一起和你所讀的書。」交的朋友和讀的書決定你是什麼樣的人,朋友的作用太大了,「蓬生麻中,不扶自直」,「近朱者赤,近墨者黑」,不是老生常談,它是至理名言。孟母如果不搬家,孟子可能是屠夫,不會在歷史上留名。寫《金銀島》的史帝文生說: 「朋友是你給你自己最好的禮物。」一個人若有個知心的好友,他不會去自殺,若有三個好友,他會過的很快樂。人生的路很長,你一定要有知心的朋友跟你分憂解悶,不然張潮不會在《幽夢影》中說:「人生若有一知已就可以無恨。」 如果我能再來過,我會去做志工,因為志工幫助我了解我自己是誰。哲學家說:人不知道他自己是誰,直到他發覺自己可以做什麼事。我們從對人的服務中發現自己 的長處,從長處中建立自己的信心。在我十七歲時,台灣很少志工,我是到了美國留學才發現志工這個名詞,千萬不要以為志工是大傻瓜,放著冷氣不吹,去外面忍受刮風下雨晒太陽,我在做志工時所學得的經驗造就了我的後半生。 最後,如果我能重新來過,我會盡量找時間和我的爸媽在一起,哪怕聽他們嘮叨都沒有關係。年輕時總覺得父母會一輩子跟著我們,從來不覺得在他們庇蔭下有什麼 了不起,人總是要等到失去了才會珍惜。既然我現在可以給你們忠告,我就要說盡量把握跟父母在一起的每一分鐘,因為生命是很脆弱的,人生是無常的,樹欲靜而風不止的悲痛是現在我最希望我在十七歲時就知道的事。 每一個時代有每一個時代的挑戰,每一個時代的青年也有他們不同的命運,但是智者能從別人的經驗中獲取教訓,使他自己的人生更充實圓滿。長江後浪推前浪,江山代有人才出,我不揣醜陋,將我的經驗告訴大家,就是希望各位能切實把握時光,有意義的過一生。記住,人生苦短,莫負今生 人就這麼一輩子,生不帶來,死不帶去的一輩子。我們在親人的歡笑聲中誕生,又在親人的悲傷中離去。而這一切我們都不知道,我們無法控制自己的生與死。但我們應慶倖自己擁有這一輩子。人只能活一次!這是常被人們遺忘的常識。既然只能活一次,就應該講究點“活法”。又何必活得太累,自己去折磨自己呢?活的太累其實是心累。處境不佳用不著痛心疾首,人生又哪來的時時都一帆風順?比上不足比下有餘,人只要自己盡力了,哪怕結果是失敗了,我們也不必感到遺憾!

Allen Chen 懷想錄: 愛很多事情是件好事,因為那裡存在真正的力量,任何愛很多事物的人都做很多事、可以完成很多事,且任何為愛...

Allen Chen 懷想錄: 愛很多事情是件好事,因為那裡存在真正的力量,任何愛很多事物的人都做很多事、可以完成很多事,且任何為愛...: It is good to love many things, for therein lies the true strength, and whoever loves much performs much, and can accomplish much, and what ...

Allen Chen 懷想錄: 最偉大的真理最簡單;同樣,最簡。

Allen Chen 懷想錄: 最偉大的真理最簡單;同樣,最簡。: 最偉大的真理最簡單;同樣,最簡。-愛默生

Allen Chen 懷想錄: 一個人經由四處搖晃出洋相學習溜冰;是的,他藉由出洋相在所有事情中進步。A man learns to...

Allen Chen 懷想錄: 一個人經由四處搖晃出洋相學習溜冰;是的,他藉由出洋相在所有事情中進步。A man learns to...: A man learns to skate by staggering about making a fool of himself; indeed, he progresses in all things by making a fool of himself. – Georg...

Allen Chen 懷想錄: 我們常為一些應該輕視或忘記的小事而不高興,喪失很多個無法取代的鐘頭思索不悅的事,即便它在一年內就會被...

Allen Chen 懷想錄: 我們常為一些應該輕視或忘記的小事而不高興,喪失很多個無法取代的鐘頭思索不悅的事,即便它在一年內就會被...: “Often we allow ourselves to be upset by small things we should despise and forget. We lose many irreplaceable hours brooding over grievance...



Albert Einstein’s ‘Theory of Happiness’ Fetches $1.56 Million


一個多世紀前,阿爾伯特·愛因斯坦(Albert Einstein)著名的相對論改變了世界對空間和時間的理解。本週,這位一頭蓬髮的物理學家傳授給一名侍者的簡單得多的「幸福理論」,在耶路撒冷的一場拍賣會上拍得逾150萬美元。

1922年,正在舉辦巡迴演講的愛因斯坦住在東京的帝國酒店(Imperial Hotel),並剛剛得知自己獲得了諾貝爾獎。當一名侍者遞給他一張留言條時,他把手伸進口袋想拿零錢作為小費,卻什麼都沒找到。





週二,愛因斯坦的幸福理論被總部設在耶路撒冷的溫納拍賣展覽(Winner’s Auctions and Exhibition)拍出了156萬美元的高價。這也讓愛因斯坦成為了全世界給小費最大方的人之一。


溫納的發言人梅尼·沙達德(Meni Chadad)在耶路撒冷接受電話採訪時說,幾個月前,那名日本侍者的侄孫找到該拍賣行。





1955年去世的愛因斯坦與以色列關係密切。他是希伯來大學(Hebrew University)的創始人和董事之一,並把自己的所有論文遺贈給了希伯來大學。該校1925年建校時,他的妻子埃爾莎(Elsa)捐出了他的廣義相對論手稿。


全世界最大方的「小費」之一,是1984年3月30日在揚克斯的薩爾披薩店(Sal’s Pizzeria)給出的。當時,一個名叫羅伯特·坎寧安(Robert Cunningham)的警探提出把1美元彩票的獎金分一半給服務員菲利斯·彭佐(Phyllis Penzo)。

彭佐同意了,兩人一起挑選了數字。第二天,那張彩票中了600萬美元的大獎。這個故事後來被改編成了電影《傾城佳話》(It Could Happen to You)。




當痛苦降臨時,不是要讓我們難過,而是要讓我們清醒;不是要讓我們遺憾,而是要讓我們有智慧。Affliction comes to us, not to make us sad but sober; not to make us sorry but wise.

當痛苦降臨時,不是要讓我們難過,而是要讓我們清醒;不是要讓我們遺憾,而是要讓我們有智慧。Affliction comes to us, not to make us sad but sober; not to make us sorry but wise.
英國作家威爾斯 H.G. Wells



一個偉大的靈魂,會強化思想和生命。 A great soul, will strengthen the thought and life.

淺薄的人相信運氣或境遇,堅強的人相信起因和結果。Shallow men believe in luck or fortune, and strong people believe in causes and results.

淺薄的人相信運氣或境遇,堅強的人相信起因和結果。Shallow men believe in luck or fortune, and strong people believe in causes and results.

保守主義者學不會新東西,也忘不掉舊東西。 Conservatives can't learn new things and forget about old things.

銘刻在心:每一天都是一年中最好的日子。Write it on your heart that every day is the best day of the year.

生命是如此的短暫,只有拋棄身外的浮華,才能夠達到高雅的境界。Life is so short, only to abandon all vanity, to achieve the lofty realm.

生命是如此的短暫,只有拋棄身外的浮華,才能夠達到高雅的境界。Life is so short, only to abandon all vanity, to achieve the lofty realm.

思考是行為的種子。Thought is the seed of action.

真理是存在的頂峰,正義就是在實踐中運用真理。Truth is the pinnacle of existence, justice is the use of truth in practice.

真理是存在的頂峰,正義就是在實踐中運用真理。Truth is the pinnacle of existence, justice is the use of truth in practice.

沒有行動,思想永遠不能成熟而化為真理。There is no action, thought can never be ripe for the truth.

思想是會享用它的人的財產。Thought is the property of the person who will enjoy it.

思想是會享用它的人的財產。Thought is the property of the person who will enjoy it.

藝術家一開始總是業餘愛好者。Artists are always amateurs.

藝術家一開始總是業餘愛好者。Artists are always amateurs.

把人分成好和壞的是荒謬的。人要麼是迷人,或者乏味。It is the confession, not the priest,that gives us absolution.

It is the confession, not the priest,that gives us absolution. 

真相很少純粹,也決不簡單。 The truth is rarely pure and never simple.

真相很少純粹,也決不簡單。  The truth is rarely pure and never simple. 

浪漫的本質是不確定性。 The very essence of romance is uncertainty.

 浪漫的本質是不確定性。 The very essence of romance is uncertainty.

恨是盲目的,愛亦然。 Hatred is blind, as well as love.

 恨是盲目的,愛亦然。 Hatred is blind, as well as love.


時間是一種對金錢的浪費。Time is a waste of money.

Time is a waste of money. 

樂觀的基礎完全是恐懼。The basis of optimism is sheer terror.

The basis of optimism is sheer terror. 

爭論者損失的只是智力。It is only the intellectually lost who ever argue.

It is only the intellectually lost who ever argue. 

我整個早上都在校對自己的一首詩,我去掉了一個逗號。下午我又把它加了上去。I was working on the proof of one of my poems all morning, and took out a comma. In the afternoon I put it back again.

I was working on the proof of one of my poems all morning, and took out a comma. In the afternoon I put it back again. 

夢想家只能在月光下找到自己的路,他的懲罰是第一個看見黎明。A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world.

A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world. 

我不想謀生,我想生活。 I don't want to earn my living; I want to live.

I don't want to earn my living; I want to live.


愛自己就是開始一場延續一生的羅曼史。To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance.

To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance.

報紙和文學的區別是,報紙沒法讀,而文學則沒人讀。The difference between journalism and literature is that journalism is unreadable and literature is not read.

The difference between journalism and literature is that journalism is unreadable and literature is not read.

所有人類的重大問題都有一個共同點:沒有點幽默和瘋狂是沒辦法解決的。 It is characteristic of all deep human problems that they are not to be approached without some humor and some bewilderment.

It is characteristic of all deep human problems that they are not to be approached without some humor and some bewilderment.

永遠要寬恕你的敵人。沒有什麼比這更能讓他們心煩的了。Always forgive your enemies. Nothing annoys them so much.

Always forgive your enemies. Nothing annoys them so much.

所謂道德抑或不道德的書是不存在的。  書就只有分寫得好、寫得差,僅此而已。There is no such thing as a moral or an immoral book. Books are well written, or badly written. That is all.

There is no such thing as a moral or an immoral book. Books are well written, or badly written. That is all.

一個憤世嫉俗的人知道所有東西的價格,卻不知道任何東西的價值。A cynic is a man who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing.

A cynic is a man who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing.

活著是世上最珍貴的,大多數人只是存在,僅此而已。To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.

To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.

我喜歡自言自語,因為這樣節約時間,而且不會有人跟我爭論。I like to do all the talking myself. It saves time, and prevents arguments.

I like to do all the talking myself. It saves time, and prevents arguments.

情感的好處就是讓我們誤入歧途。而科學的好處是不感情用事。The advantage of the emotions is that they lead us astray, and the advantage of science is that it is not emotional.

The advantage of the emotions is that they lead us astray, and the advantage of science is that it is not emotional.

世上只有一件事比被人議論更糟糕了,那就是沒有人議論你。There is only one thing in the world worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about.

There is only one thing in the world worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about.

人是理性動物,但當他被要求按照理性的要求行動時,可又要發脾氣了。Man is a rational animal who always loses his temper  when he is called upon to act in accordance with the dictates of reason.

Man is a rational animal who always loses his temper  when he is called upon to act in accordance with the dictates of reason.

一個人戀愛的時候總是以自欺欺人開始,而以欺騙別人告終。When one is in love, one always begins by deceiveing one's self, and one always ends by deceiving others.

When one is in love, one always begins by deceiveing one's self, and one always ends by deceiving others.

我敬佩簡單的快樂,那是複雜的最後避難所。I adore simple pleasures. They are the last refuge of the complex.

I adore simple pleasures. They are the last refuge of the complex.

什麼也不做是世上最難的事情,最困難並且最智慧。To do nothing at all is the most difficult thing in the world,the most difficult and the most intellectual.

To do nothing at all is the most difficult thing in the world,the most difficult and the most intellectual.





人生隨時需要來場小革命 踏出第一步的勇氣,決定了你的存在是平凡無奇還是充滿魔力 讓好奇心給你方向,活出更寬廣、豐富的創意型人生!

我們記憶最精華的部分保存在我們的外在世界, 在雨日潮濕的空氣裡、在幽閉空間的氣味裡、在剛生起火的壁爐的芬芳裡, 也就是說,在每一個地方, 只要我們的理智視為無用而加以摒棄的事物又重新被發現的話。 那是過去歲月最後的保留地,是它的精粹, 在我們的眼淚流幹以後, 又讓我們重新潸然淚下。

我們記憶最精華的部分保存在我們的外在世界, 在雨日潮濕的空氣裡、在幽閉空間的氣味裡、在剛生起火的壁爐的芬芳裡, 也就是說,在每一個地方, 只要我們的理智視為無用而加以摒棄的事物又重新被發現的話。 那是過去歲月最後的保留地,是它的精粹, 在我們的眼淚流幹以後, 又讓我們重新潸然淚下。
《追憶似水年華》 馬塞爾‧普魯斯特

生命只是一連串孤立的片刻, 靠著回憶和幻想,許多意義浮現了, 然後消失, 消失之後又浮現。 如一連串在海中跳躍的浪花。


在熱鬧中孤單 在人群中覺得累

人活在世上, 不過短短的幾年。 愛, 也不過短短的幾年。

人活在世上, 不過短短的幾年。 愛, 也不過短短的幾年。
《傾城之戀》 張愛玲



於千萬人之中遇見你所遇見的人, 於千萬年之中, 時間的無涯的荒野裡, 沒有早一步,也沒有晚一步,剛巧趕上了, 那也沒有別的話可說,唯有輕輕地問一聲:噢,你也在這裏嗎?

於千萬人之中遇見你所遇見的人, 於千萬年之中, 時間的無涯的荒野裡, 沒有早一步,也沒有晚一步,剛巧趕上了, 那也沒有別的話可說,唯有輕輕地問一聲:「噢,你也在這裏嗎? 
《傾城之戀》 張愛玲

人家說「時代的列車」, 比喻得實在有道理, 火車的行駛的確像是轟轟烈烈通過一個世代。

人家說「時代的列車」, 比喻得實在有道理, 火車的行駛的確像是轟轟烈烈通過一個世代。  《半生緣》 張愛玲

青春之泉確實存在, 就是你的心靈、你的天賦。 還有你為自己與所愛的人發揮的創意。 只要懂得探索這股泉源, 你將能超越年齡的限制。

青春之泉確實存在, 就是你的心靈、你的天賦。 還有你為自己與所愛的人發揮的創意。 只要懂得探索這股泉源, 你將能超越年齡的限制。
《讓天賦自由》 肯.羅賓森

幸運的人常能讓運氣發揮最大效益, 他們特別懂得創造機會、察覺機會的存在, 並且在機會出現時善加利用。

幸運的人常能讓運氣發揮最大效益, 他們特別懂得創造機會、察覺機會的存在, 並且在機會出現時善加利用。 
《讓天賦自由》 肯.羅賓森

結識其他跟你懷抱相同熱情的人, 可以讓你知道自己一點也不孤獨, 或許有很多人不懂你的熱情, 但志同道合的人卻能完全了解。

天命歸屬與心流經驗之所以能帶給你力量, 是因為你體內的各種能量已然融合, 因為你能鬆開束縛, 感覺到你的所作所為都完全符合自己的天性, 於是就這麼認識了真正的自由。 這是一種深刻的自我歸屬感, 讓你能了解內心深處的脈動與能量。

天命歸屬與心流經驗之所以能帶給你力量, 是因為你體內的各種能量已然融合, 因為你能鬆開束縛, 感覺到你的所作所為都完全符合自己的天性, 於是就這麼認識了真正的自由。 這是一種深刻的自我歸屬感, 讓你能了解內心深處的脈動與能量。 
《讓天賦自由》 肯.羅賓森

所謂創意, 就是在既有事物之間發覺新的關連; 事物不會改變, 你看待它們的方式與角度卻已不同。

對工作懷抱熱情的人, 並不像一般人那樣把工作視為勞務; 他們之所以工作, 是因為他們喜歡工作, 並且在工作中找到天命歸屬。

因為想像力, 你才能回憶過往、思考當下、預測未來, 還有一件影響重大深遠的事ーー發揮創意。


你若沒有出錯的準備, 原創性就無從出頭。

人們的精神氣質(ethos) 是語調、性格與他們生活品質、道德與美風格及情緒; 精神氣質是對他們自己及生活所反映的世界的潛在態度。

人們的精神氣質(ethos) 是語調、性格與他們生活品質、道德與美風格及情緒; 精神氣質是對他們自己及生活所反映的世界的潛在態度。
《詮釋人類學:民族誌閱讀與書寫的交互評註》 林徐達


《深山裡的奇蹟雞蛋拌飯店----小光的蛋》 森澤明夫

其實不是努力過後,有人獲得結果,有人白費心血; 而是有的人會不斷努力到開花結果為止,有的人則是在獲得成果之前放棄了努力。

其實不是努力過後,有人獲得結果,有人白費心血; 而是有的人會不斷努力到開花結果為止,有的人則是在獲得成果之前放棄了努力。
《深山裡的奇蹟雞蛋拌飯店----小光的蛋》 森澤明夫

當我覺得無法再前進時,會逼自己繼續走下去。我的成功是基於堅持,而非運氣。 When I thought I couldn’t go on, I forced myself to keep going. My success is based on persistence, not luck.

When I thought I couldn’t go on, I forced myself to keep going. My success is based on persistence, not luck.
雅詩 · 蘭黛 - 美國企業家

「行動」是難下的決定,剩下的只是堅持。The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity.

The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity.
愛蜜莉亞·艾爾哈特 - 美國女性飛行員、女權運動者

你怎麼處理失敗,決定你怎麼取得成功。It’s how you deal with failure that determines how you achieve success.

It’s how you deal with failure that determines how you achieve success.
– Charlotte Whitton, Feminist
– 夏洛特·惠頓(1896-1975) 是社會活動家,提倡女性應享有平等的政治和工作權利,她坦率的性格、永不服輸的精神和優秀的口才,讓她在 1951 年成為加拿大渥太華市長,兩個任期。

我愈想完成一件事,它愈不像一個苦差事。The more I want to get something done, the less I call it work.

The more I want to get something done, the less I call it work.
– Richard Bach, Writer
– 理查‧巴哈  (1936- ) 為美國作家,《天地一沙鷗》 作者。

才華讓你贏得比賽,團隊及智慧讓你贏得冠軍。Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships.

Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships.
– Michael Jordan, NBA Player
– 麥可‧喬丹 (1963- ) 據 NBA 官網指稱為史上最傑出的籃球員,曾率領芝加哥公牛隊在 1991、1992、1993 年,及1996、1997、1998 年,兩度連續 3 年贏得 NBA 總冠軍。

我達到那成就,不是經由希望得到它或盼望得到它,而是投入心血而得到它。I didn’t get there by wishing for it or hoping for it, but by working for it.

I didn’t get there by wishing for it or hoping for it, but by working for it.
– Estée Lauder, Entrepreneur
– 雅詩‧蘭黛 ((1906-2004) 是皮膚護理、化妝品、香水和頭髮護理產品的製造商和銷售商 – 雅詩蘭黛公司的創辦人,她是《時代》雜誌所發表 20 世紀 20 位最具影響力商業領導者的唯一女性。

最好的領導者讓人能夠獨立,而非依賴。The best kind of leader: one who creates independence, not dependence.

The best kind of leader: one who creates independence, not dependence.
– Gloria Steinem, Feminist


Allen Chen 懷想錄: 長溝流月去無聲。杏花疏影裡,吹笛到天明。 二十餘年如一夢,此身雖在堪驚。閒登小閣看新睛。古今多少事,漁唱起三更。

Allen Chen 懷想錄: 臨江仙‧夜登小樓記洛中舊遊:  憶昔午橋橋上飲,坐中多是豪英。長溝流月去無聲。杏花疏影裡,吹笛到天明。 二十餘年如一夢,此身雖在堪驚。閒登小閣看新睛。古今多少事,漁唱起三更。



















很多人沒有活在理想中,而是活在恐懼中。Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears.

Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears.
美國作家 雷斯布朗



Kazuo Ishiguro’s ‘The Buried Giant’

Fantasy is a tool of the storyteller. It is a way of talking about things that are not, and cannot be, literally true. It is a way of making our metaphors concrete, and it shades into myth in one direction, allegory in another. Once, many years ago, a French translator decided that my novel “Stardust” was an allegory, based on and around John Bunyan’s “The Pilgrim’s Progress” (it wasn’t), and somewhat loosely translated the book with footnotes to that effect. This has left me a little shy of talking about allegory, and very shy of ever mentioning “The Pilgrim’s Progress.”

Kazuo Ishiguro is a remarkable novelist, both for the quality of his work — because his novels share a careful, precise approach to language and to character — and because he does not ever write the same novel, or even the same type of novel, twice. In “The Buried Giant,” his seventh and latest, he begins with clear, unhurried, unfussy language to describe the England of some 1,500 years ago, in a novel as well crafted as it is odd. Some of the oddness comes from the medieval terrain: This is a novel about an elderly couple going from one village to the next, set in a semi-historical England of the sixth or perhaps seventh century, in which the Britons and the Saxons have been at bloody war. The Britons have been driven west and the Saxons control the east of England, but Saxons and Britons live side by side in a post-Arthurian twilight, in a mythical time of ogres, sprites and dragons — most of all the dragon Querig, who dominates the second half of the book, in which one character needs to kill her as badly as another needs to keep her alive. Other oddities come from the characters, many of whom navigate their way through the story as if asleep and uncertain whether they will like what they find if they wake up.

The elderly couple are Axl and Beatrice — “Perhaps these were not their exact or full names, but for ease, this is how we will refer to them” — who start out living in a hill-warren village, ill treated by their fellow Britons. Axl and Beatrice love each other deeply and care for each other as best they can. Beatrice has a malady, a pain in her side she insists is nothing serious, for which she seeks a cure. They have reached the age when their memories have become unreliable, when names, faces and even events slip away. But the problems with memory and event are not just theirs; all the people in their community, and even those in neighboring villages, Briton and Saxon, appear to be having the same difficulties. There is a mist that takes memories: good memories and bad, lost children, old rancors and wounds. And memories are valuable. They make us who we are.

As Beatrice says: “If that’s how you’ve remembered it, Axl, let it be the way it was. With this mist upon us, any memory’s a precious thing and we’d best hold tight to it.”

Out of the fog of memory, Beatrice recollects that they have a grown son they’ve been neglecting in a nearby village, and that they need to see him. The couple set off on their journey, and soon encounter Wistan (a Saxon warrior whose first appearance immediately puts us in mind of Beowulf), who has rescued a boy stolen by ogres. Seeing Wistan, Axl begins to remember his own past, as someone who was, perhaps, also, in his day, a soldier of some kind. The rescued boy, Edwin, bitten by a monster, is in danger in his Saxon settlement, and the boy and the warrior join the elderly couple on their journey to the son’s village.Photo

The four travelers meet Sir Gawain, the dead King Arthur’s nephew, now an ancient knight in rusted mail armor. He has a mission, a past and secrets, just as Wistan has a mission, a past and secrets, and the two men may find themselves at odds. The travelers visit a monastery with its own secrets and dangers, they survive its perils, and discover at last the source of the mist of forgetfulness that covers the land.

“The Buried Giant” is a melancholy book, and the mist that breathes through it is a melancholic mist. The narrative tone is dreamlike and measured. There are adventures, sword fights, betrayals, armies, cunning stratagems and monsters killed, but these things are told distantly, without the book’s pulse ever beating faster. They are described unflinchingly, precisely, sometimes poetically. Enemies are slain, but the deaths are never triumphant. A culmination of a planned trap for a troop of soldiers, worthy of a whodunit, is described in retrospect, once we already know what must have happened. Stories drift toward us in the narrative like figures in the mist, and then are gone. The excitements that the book would deliver were this a more formulaic or crowd-pleasing novel are, here, when they appear, not exciting, perhaps because they would be young people’s adventures, and this is, at its heart, a book about two people who are now past all adventure. Axl and Beatrice, gentle and caring and kind, wish only to survive, to reach their son, to be together. They need to remember their past, but they are afraid of what those memories might bring them.

At the heart of the novel is a philosophical conundrum, expressed first by an old woman whose husband has gone on before her, crossing the bar, as it were, to a mystical island to which she has not been allowed. (Were this an overt allegory like, say, “The Pilgrim’s Progress,” the river might be identified as the River of Death.) Only those couples who can prove to the boatman that their love is perfect and true, without bitterness or jealousy or shame, can cross the water together, in the same boat, to the island.

“She went on speaking, about how this land had become cursed with a mist of forgetfulness,” Beatrice tells us of this woman. “And then she asked me: ‘How will you and your husband prove your love for each other when you can’t remember the past you’ve shared?’ And I’ve been thinking about it ever since. Sometimes I think of it and it makes me so afraid.”

Not until the final chapter does Ishiguro unravel the mysteries and resolve the riddles: Who, really, are Axl and Beatrice? What has happened to their son? Where are they going? And, if they truly remember who they are, will they still be able to love each other in the same way?

Fantasy and historical fiction and myth here run together with the Matter of Britain, in a novel that’s easy to admire, to respect and to enjoy, but difficult to love. Still, “The Buried Giant” does what important books do: It remains in the mind long after it has been read, refusing to leave, forcing one to turn it over and over. On a second reading, and on a third, its characters and events and motives are easier to understand, but even so, it guards its secrets and its world close.

Ishiguro is not afraid to tackle huge, personal themes, nor to use myths, history and the fantastic as the tools to do it. “The Buried Giant” is an exceptional novel, and I suspect my inability to fall in love with it, much as I wanted to, came from my conviction that there was an allegory waiting like an ogre in the mist, telling us that no matter how well we love, no matter how deeply, we will always be fallible and human, and that for every couple who are aging together, one or the other of them — of us — will always have to cross the water, and go on to the island ahead and alone.

By Kazuo Ishiguro



《大誌》雜誌台灣版創刊人 李取中



- 拉爾夫.沃爾多.愛默生(Ralph Emerson)美國文學家


- 亞伯特.愛因斯坦(Albert Einstein)相對論之父

一個真正快樂的人,是那種即使繞道而行也不忘享受風景的人。 A truly happy person is one who can enjoy the scenery while on a detour.

抱怨是貧窮的心態,別抱怨不好的事,對好的事心存感恩。 Complaining is poverty. Instead of complaining about what’s wrong, be grateful for what’s right.

Complaining is poverty. Instead of complaining about what’s wrong, be grateful for what’s right.
– 扎卡里.費雪(Zachary Fisher),慈善家

很多人一開始為了夢想而忙,後來忙得忘了夢想。 Many people start a career with a dream, then get busy forgetting it.

與其思考下次放假是什麼時候,或許你該思考,如何創造一個不會想要逃離的生活。 Instead of wondering when your next vacation is, you ought to set up a life you don’t need to escape from.

Instead of wondering when your next vacation is, you ought to set up a life you don’t need to escape from.
 – 賽斯‧高汀(Seth Godin),美國創業家

如果你在小事上缺乏紀律,在大事上也會一樣。 If you let yourself be undisciplined on the small things, you will probably be undisciplined on the large things as well.

 If you let yourself be undisciplined on the small things, you will probably be undisciplined on the large things as well.
– 華倫‧巴菲特 (Warren Buffett, Investor),美國企業家

如果你只讀每個人都在讀的書,你也只能想到每個人都能想到的事。 If you only read the books that everyone else is reading, you can only think what everyone else is thinking.

If you only read the books that everyone else is reading, you can only think what everyone else is thinking.
- 村上春樹,日本作家

寧可讓人討厭真實的你,也好過讓別人愛上虛偽的自己。 It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not.

It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not.
– 安德烈.紀德 (André Gide), 法國諾貝爾文學獎得主

如果你對每隻向你吠的狗,都停下來扔石頭,你永遠到不了目的地。 You will never reach your destination if you stop and throw stones at every dog that barks.

You will never reach your destination if you stop and throw stones at every dog that barks.
- 溫斯頓.邱吉爾(Winston Churchill),前英國首相

你只認同那些和你外表相同、且想法類似的人們,但是如果你試著了解陌生人的想法,你就能學到過去你從未學到的。 You think the only people who are people are the people who look and think like you. But if you walk the footsteps of a stranger, you’ll learn things you never knew you never knew.

You think the only people who are people are the people who look and think like you. But if you walk the footsteps of a stranger, you’ll learn things you never knew you never knew.

Pocahontas 風中奇緣

最迷人且不可思議的事情都能夠成真,而且都是從一個小小的願望開始萌芽的。The most fantastic, magical things can happen, and it all starts with a wish.

最迷人且不可思議的事情都能夠成真,而且都是從一個小小的願望開始萌芽的。The most fantastic, magical things can happen, and it all starts with a wish.

別被自己的過去侷限,你唯一的限制只有你的靈魂。You must not let anyone define your limits because of where you come from. Your only limit is your soul.

別被自己的過去侷限,你唯一的限制只有你的靈魂。You must not let anyone define your limits because of where you come from. Your only limit is your soul.

切記,你是唯一一個能讓世界充滿溫暖的人。Remember, you’re the one who can fill the world with sunshine.

Remember, you’re the one who can fill the world with sunshine.

是啊,過去的傷痛會留下印記,但是你可以選擇逃避它,或是從中學習。Oh yes, the past can hurt. But the way I see it, you can either run from it or learn from it.

真正的美不是從外表來評斷,而是從你如何對待他人展現。True Beauty is not found in one’s look, but in one how treats others.

我們容易忘記,快樂不是因為得到我們沒有的東西,而是認清並欣賞我們擁有的東西。We tend to forget that happiness doesn’t come as a result of getting something we don’t have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have.

We tend to forget that happiness doesn’t come as a result of getting something we don’t have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have.
– Fredrick Koeing, Inventor
– 弗瑞德李奇·柯尼格 (1774-1833) 德國發明家,發明了高速蒸汽動力印刷機,此技術最先被《泰晤士報》所使用,在歐美掀起了一股大眾識字潮,他之後成立高寶股份公司 (Koenig & Bauer AG),德國三大印刷機械公司之一。

生命裡沒有要畏懼的,只有要瞭解的,我們應該瞭解多一些,才能畏懼少一點。Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less.

Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less.
– Marie Curie, Physicist
– 瑪麗‧居里夫人 (1867-1934) 出生波蘭,後來移居法國,放射性理論的創始人,也是「釙」及「鐳」元素的發現者,同時獲得諾貝爾物理及及化學獎。

先說你要成為什麼樣的人,接著做你必須做的事。First say to yourself what you would be, and then do what you have to do.

First say to yourself what you would be, and then do what you have to do.
– Epictetus, Philosopher
–愛比克泰德 (AD 55 – AD135) 希臘哲學家,以奴隸身分出生後來成為斯多葛派 (Stoicism) 哲學家。

在任何時刻我們都有兩個選擇:往前走向成長,或退後走向安全。In any given moment we have two options: to step forward into growth or to step back into safety.

In any given moment we have two options: to step forward into growth or to step back into safety.
– Abraham Maslow, Psychologist
– 亞伯拉罕‧馬斯洛 (1908-1970) 美國心理學家,創立「人文主義心理學」學說 及「需求層次理論」 (Maslow’s hierarchy of needs)。

能力如同真相、美麗及隱形眼鏡,差別在於每個人的看法不同。Competence, like truth, beauty and contact lenses, is in the eye of the beholder.

Competence, like truth, beauty and contact lenses, is in the eye of the beholder.
– Laurence J. Peter, Philosopher
–勞倫斯‧彼得 (1919-1990) 加拿大教育學家及哲學家,發明「彼德定律」及「層級組織學」。

當我十分確定值得爭取某個結果時,我會付諸行動,一再嘗試,直到結果出現。 When I have fully decided that a result is worth getting, I go about it, and make trial after trial, until it comes.

When I have fully decided that a result is worth getting, I go about it, and make trial after trial, until it comes.
發明家愛迪生 Thomas Edison


真實友誼最美麗的特質之一,就是了解和被了解。 One of the most beautiful qualities of true friendship is to understand and to be understood.

One of the most beautiful qualities of true friendship is to understand and to be understood.
古羅馬哲學家 塞內卡 Lucius Annaeus Seneca