


為什麼有些人成就非凡,有些人卻似乎只是空轉一生一事無成?當你分析成就大事之道,會發現立大業者替自己訂下堅實目標(HARD goals,4 個字母分別代表 Heartfelt、Animated、Required 及 Difficult),然後出外闖蕩,用熱情和激情努力實現目標。就是這些堅實目標的設定和完成,推動他們的成就。

Why is that some people achieve so much while others seem to just spin their wheels and get nowhere? When you analyze the science of achieving big things, you’ll find superachievers set themselves HARD (heartfelt, animated, required and difficult) goals and then go out and work towards achieving those goals with passion and intensity. It’s the setting and achieving of those HARD goals which drives their achievements.





H – Heartfelt: Why you care about your goals.

A – Animated: What it will look like when you achieve your goal.

R – Required: Why this goal is necessary right now.

D – Difficult: What you’re learning because of your goals.


「人們經常花太多時間自我欺騙,去達成平庸的目標。我們真正需要的反而是非凡的目標──堅實目標。聽好,如果我們習慣設定的目標是薄弱的,世界上所有一切日常儀式都幫不了我們成就偉大事業。難道我們真的認為史蒂夫.賈伯斯或亞馬遜網路書店創辦人傑夫.貝佐斯,或谷歌創始人是玩弄一些小噱頭來完成自己的目標嗎?(說真的,我們之所以有 iPad,Kindle 和 Google 搜索引擎可用,是因為有人在冰箱上貼了張便條紙嗎?)還是我們認為,他們全心投入工作,他們的目標對他們非常重要且深具意義,以至於他們會游過鱷魚池去實現這些目標?」



【Key Thoughts】

“People spend way too much time trying to figure out how to trick themselves into implementing mediocre goals. What we need instead is extraordinary goals – HARD goals. Listen, all the daily rituals in the world won’t help us achieve greatness if the very goal we’re trying to habitualize is weak. Do we really think that Steve Jobs or Jeff Bezos or Google’s founders resort to little gimmicks to accomplish their goals? (Seriously, do we have the iPad, Kindle, and Google search engine because somebody put a sticky note on their fridge?) Or do we think that they’re so deeply connected to

what they’re doing, that their goals are so important and meaningful to them, that they’ll swim through a pit of alligators to fulfill those goals?”

“What you need are the ways to make your goals worthy of your natural gifts. Because when your talent meets a HARD Goal, greatness is sure to follow.”

– Mark Murphy

