
「自然界有一個神祕又很奇妙的法則,那就是我們最渴望的三樣東西 – 快樂、自由及內心的平靜 – 都是透過給予別人而獲得。」“There is a wonderful mythical law of nature that the three things we crave most in life – happiness, freedom and peace of mind – are always attained by giving them to someone else.”

“There is a wonderful mythical law of nature that the three things we crave most in life – happiness, freedom and peace of mind – are always attained by giving them to someone else.”
– Peyton Conway March, Four-Star General

「自然界有一個神祕又很奇妙的法則,那就是我們最渴望的三樣東西 – 快樂、自由及內心的平靜 – 都是透過給予別人而獲得。」– 培頓‧康威‧馬奇 (四星上將)
mythical (adj.) 神話的,想像的。例:a mythical creature (神話中的動物)。crave (v.) 渴望,熱望。例:Many children crave attention. (很多小孩渴望得到關注。) attain (v.) 得到,達到。例:He has attained the highest grade in the math class. (他在數學課裡取得最優等的成績。)
培頓‧康威‧馬奇 (1864-1955) 是美國陸軍上將、美國陸軍參謀長。他是一位有才能、講效率的管理者,為美國陸軍的現代化及備戰第一次世界大戰貢獻頗多。

