
人們試圖用各種聰明又困難的方法來提升生活,而不用最簡單、最容易的方法 – 拒不從事讓生活變壞的行為。People try to do all sorts of clever and difficult things to improve life instead of doing the simplest, easiest thing – refusing to participate in activities that make life bad.

People try to do all sorts of clever and difficult things to improve life instead of doing the simplest, easiest thing – refusing to participate in activities that make life bad.
— Leo Tolstoy, Novelist
人們試圖用各種聰明又困難的方法來提升生活,而不用最簡單、最容易的方法 – 拒不從事讓生活變壞的行為。
– 列夫‧托爾斯泰 (1828-1910) 俄國小說家,哲學家、政治思想家及社會改革者,他著有短篇故事、論文及劇本,也是世界經典名著《戰爭與和平》的作者。

